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The State of the World FOREX

While recession has returned to Japan and interest rates have dropped to negative, in Europe the ECM has effectively announced it will expand its balance sheet again by a trillion Euro. China has lowered interest rates showing this view of lowering interest rates is believed to stimulate the economy still prevails, albeit nobody can point […]

Questions on Gold

#1 QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do fundamentals really matter? It seems like the commentators can focus on whatever they want flipping it bullish or bearish based upon their views at that moment. Thanks for all you do MK #2 QUESTION: Hi Martin,    Thank you for all that you do. I have truly been enlightened to the […]


  I arrived in Amsterdam. It has begun. As I have stated, this film is not about my life, but about my battle against the market manipulators who have blackmailed government into bailing out their losses while they keep all the gains. When I objected to the seizure of the tapes I had made documenting […]

West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim. You blame Obama and western leaders for acting like kids while you are rather silent about Putin merely just stating that he is forced to act the way he […]

Republicans Support NSA Seizing ALL Telephone Calls

  Republicans killed any hope of restraining the NSA. They too want to shake you down for taxes under the pretense of looking for terrorists which is why they got caught tapping even Merkel’s cell phone. This is why we need a 3rd Party. Republicans are simply brain-dead. They cannot see that the NSA has […]

Russia Threatens US with Nuclear War

  Russia has continually sent signals to these Western leaders that it can wage nuclear war. Russia keeps sending bombers into strategic places that can take out key cities in the USA and Europe. Even during the last NATO summit/Golf resort trip, two aircraft took off from an air base in western Russia, just east […]

I Welcome Our New CEO – Ashley Warren

I am pleased to introduce Ashley Warren who has taken up the position of CEO of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Ashley has the TRADING experience globally and has been on the institutional side of our client base attending our conferences from Tokyo to Berlin and everywhere in between. Ashley will also contribute to the Institutional […]

Polish Pension Funds Seized by Government – Who is Next?

Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater near you. The Polish government seized $51bn of privately run pension funds and transferred them back into “state control” in a dramatic reversal of a reform that central and eastern European […]

Governments Are Conspiring Against People – Worldwide

  A good example of government all ganging up against the people to cling to power is how they all follow each other. These G20 meetings are now serious events because they are all about how to control the people and sustain their power. This is demonstrated by coordination efforts from taxes to now controlling […]

The G20 Question from the Canadian Perspective

QUESTION: Martin, thank you very much for all that you have done for the middle class reader. I am a Canadian that only discovered you about a year ago. In this short time your teachings have still had a positive impact on my financial situation. I was one of the Gold believers but have sold most of my […]