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The Truth About G20 Banking Directive

Apparently my post is now being taken up and regurgitated by others rewriting what I have written that your bank account has been stolen, and somehow this is the end of money to just about aliens have landed. These exaggerations are obviously written by people lacking the legal understanding of this issue. LEGALLY MONEY IN […]

Socrates v Watson

QUESTION: Good day Martin   I have been spending some time reading up on IBM’s Watson. As you probably know they are developing a thinking computer which thinks and learns as time goes on. They are creating an Echo system which will integrate healthcare, finance and the public sector with Watson.  IBM is spending over $1 […]

G20 to Change Status of Bank Accounts = Investments

Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist all members collect more taxes. This year, according our sources, they are now going to address the behind-the-curtain banking failure. Tomorrow, there will be at least […]

G20 Targets the Week of the Cycle of War

The G20 Leaders’ Summit for 2014 is being held on November 15th and 16th in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The principal meeting venue will be the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. There will be as many as 4,000 delegates and 3,000 media representatives in attendance. It is curious that the comes right in line with the turn […]

The Precious Metals – The Bounce?

  The metals bottomed during the week of November 3rd on schedule. It now appears if we achieve that rally we outline in the International Precious Metals Outlook, then a high on that seasonal target would tend to warn that we will decline to new lows once more falling into the Benchmark targets. So far […]

Time to Hide Under the Covers

The USA may not be as all-powerful as its tells its people or our politicians believe. For all the spying going on against American citizens to hunt them down for taxes intercepting all cell phone calls, the USA is vulnerable on many fronts. The Chinese have been able to compromise the US defense systems. Meanwhile, […]

The Future Explained – What is Unfolding & the Connections in the Global Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I must say, you are the father of market analysis and I can see how the uninitiated are lost in their concept of fundamentals still see you are the person who manipulates the world economy. When they are totally lost in the cavities within their mind they cannot see beyond the linear […]

Beware the Cycle of War Turns Back Up Next Week

  We have to be concerned that the Cycle of War turns back up next week. NATO has reported that Russian troops have now invaded Eastern Ukraine. In the Cycles of War Report we wrote that target will be November 19/20, 2014 (2014.8871) where we should see some escalation in activity. It appears this may be […]

The Future – Desolation or Disneyland?

QUESTION: Marty; I am a converted Goldbug. You have not only saved me from financial ruin, I have made more money shifting to equities in one year than all my losses in metals since 2011. I believe I understand now that it is a shift back and forth between this public and private confidence. This […]

Obama Wants to Now Fully Regulate the Internet as a Public Utility

There is perhaps no President who has done more to destroy everything he has ever thought about than Barrack Obama from world peace to our constitutional rights. OMG, we cannot get rid of this idiot soon enough. Two more years may be way too long to wait. He will have us in WWIII and the […]