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Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]

Comments from Canada on Abuse of Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, on the recent post about out of control government I can attest to at least 3 cases in the last 6 months. I work for a large coop FI and deal with people from all walks of life. Recently I had: 1) client was refused a permit after 4 months of applying for […]

The New Underground Economy in Germany

A very interesting stage in the economic meltdown since 2007 is unfold quietly beneath the headlines. In Germany, the tax burden on the average person has exceeded 50%. The people may be powerless against the politicians so there is a new form of barter emerging that still uses money, but avoid taxes. How? After outrageous […]

The Fog – Comprehending the Invisible Hand

COMMENT: I just wanted to thank you for all your charts and explanations of what was taking place on the DOW this week.  I have been reading your work for the past five years and I appreciate that you make this available for everyone.  I am trying to understand what is coming our way and what […]

The IMF & ECB Cannot Prevent the Euro Crisis – Welcome the Pandemic of Uncertainty = High Volatility

So far the Dow has held the previous day’s low and a higher close today will still point to a bounce into tomorrow, However, we are in the midst of a Pandemic of Uncertainty. This is becoming critical in Europe. While I am enjoying the weather here in Germany, the atmosphere is clearly uncertain spawning […]

So Where is the Bubble?

  While those who advocated stocks in various institutions are being demoted and the bond bulls yell I told you so, as Melon famously said in the start of the 1929 Crash that Gentlemen Buy Bonds, what is really going on in the markets cannot be seen without looking at the cross-connections. Why? Sometimes you […]

Italians Demanding Referendum on Euro – Only the People Can Save Europe

As Julius Caesar said: the die is cast. He also said I came, I saw, I conquered (Veni Vidi Vici). The entire idea of the Euro is a total disaster. This is now about a dictatorship in Brussels that has built a political infrastructure which will promote civil war in Europe – not peace and […]

So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip. Why? Because this is a Sovereign Debt Crisis not the normal plain vanilla decline. This is why retail participation is at historic lows and liquidity is at […]

Will 2015 Break Germany?

While the German municipalities are short €118 billion euros for infrastructure repairs, reorganization of the German state finances may force even higher taxes. The German budget next year will see social spending is likely to exceed the €50 billion euros level. This will be more than the total business tax revenue in the nation. Everything […]

French Government on Brink of Collapse

French President François Hollande has brought his country to ruin and threatens to bring down Euroland with him. His insane budget plans have been admitted cannot possibly meet EU rules before 2017 and even that assumes some recovery. Meanwhile, Hollande has lost his last government partner. The PRG chief Jean-Michel Baylet on Sunday evening on television, announced […]