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IMF Admits They Are Clueless to Solve World Economic Crisis

At the meeting of the IMF and the World Bank, we began to see for the first time some blow-back against Obama’s hand-picket lawyer masquerading as the world leading of international finance. There were significant rifts between supporters and opponents of new state investment programs that LaGarde and Obama are trying to pull off taking […]

Obama-Sanctions & Ukraianian Ceasefire

The economic sanction against Russia are causing serious economic damage in Europe. Farmers are going bankrupt and Finland has lost its triple-A rating thanks to Obama-Sanctions. The sanctions were wrong from the start and they should be removed immediately. The attempt at a permanent ceasefire has come about not because of Obama-Sanctions, but despite the […]

The Pending Phase Transition & Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, I went to cash in September since this was the first time you said there would be a serious correction in the stock markets going into November. Do you think we will get the phase transition into 2015.75 or a cycle inversion creating the low next year and stocks would then rally into the […]

US Share Market for Next Week Oct 13, 2014

We have elected a Weekly sell signal in the Dow and this is warning that we may yet see that November low during the week of November 3rd. The critical support now lies at 15961 and a weekly closing beneath this area will warn of a sharp correction that will make people’s nose bleed. Nevertheless, […]

Ebola in Spain & Perhaps Greece/Macedonia

Macedonia is now checking for Ebola after Briton dies. They have quarantined the entire hotel sealing it off. They are now sure but are checking for the Ebola virus in a British man who died within hours of being admitted to hospital in the capital Skopje on Thursday.The man had arrived from Britain on Oct. 2 […]

What Happens When Government Collapses?

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for freely educating all who choose to listen to facts and not opinion.  You have greatly helped me grow as a person since I stumbled upon your writings 5 years ago. I am nothing special, just your average American.  I grind through life as a teacher, small business owner, husband […]

ECB Negative Interest Rates Sends Money into Dollars

European Banks are now threatening companies with negative interest rates (penalty) when they want to simply park assets in money houses at short notice. Complaints about this practice are starting to rise quietly behind the curtain, which including operations such as airlines. According to our sources, several banks are beginning to levy this negative penalty interest upon […]

The Dollar – The Greatest Short Position Perhaps in History

It is amazing how people keep touting the demise of the dollar yet cannot comprehend that it remains the only game in town. We may yet see a tremendous capital flight to the dollar for a host of reasons from war and political risk to the landscape of interest rate trends. An Asia capital fight […]

Is Revolution Coming Driven by the Youth?

A lot of questions have come in regarding the youth. Many are deeply concerned parents and others are youth who write thanking for the understanding of the truth. I have focused upon the youth because this is part of the generational cycle and the divide between the generations is reaching maximum entropy. This is the […]

Europe’s Answer to Reform – More of the Same

Jean-Claude Juncker won the support of Europe’s lawmakers to become European Commission president, despite the opposition from Britain. It was clearly a slap in the face to Britain and it is highly doubtful that his leadership will be able to patch up relations with the U.K.. Juncker, a former Luxembourg prime minister and will now […]