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Is Paper Money Constitutional?

Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept […]

The Paper Chase Part I

  ©Copyright June 1988 The story of paper money goes back a long way. One could argue that its first emergence was even before 2500BC in Bablyon. For the sake of convienence, banking transactions took place in the form of a clay tablet which served as a “letter or credit.” While such forms of money […]


Abscissa – the horizontal baseline of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level and by influences such as […]

Trajan – 98-117AD

Trajan Emperor, 98 – 117 AD Born 52 – Died 117 AD, Age 65 Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about the year 52 AD. His family was originally from Umbria in Italy. His father, of the same name, was a senator and had served as consul. He was also governor of […]

World Ends Here?

by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 7, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute The sheer chaos that is unfolding within the financial markets has now reached a level that simply requires government intervention within the foreign exchange sector. We have warned repeatedly that government intervention is wrong and that it disrupts the world economy by attempt to […]

Do We Need to Be "Rescued From Capitalism?"

Global Meltdown Do we need to be “rescued from Capitalism?” By Martin A. Armstrong © September 16th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There is little doubt that the global economy is experiencing at the very least a short-term meltdown. George Soros’ comments yesterday calling for more intervention and bailouts because emerging market investors need to be […]

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Book 4

BOOK FOUR INTRODUCTION ——————————————————————————– OF SYSTEMS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY POLITICAL economy, considered as a branch of the science of a statesman or legislator, proposes two distinct objects: first, to provide a plentiful revenue or subsistence for the people, or more properly to enable them to provide such a revenue or subsistence for themselves; and secondly, […]

Anatomy of a Debt Crisis that appears, only Julius Caesar ever understood.

  Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to […]

The End of Time?

Copyright May 22nd, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomic.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]

Upcoming Conferences

We will be providing three forecasting events around the globe – our famous World Economic Conferences in 2012: Bangkok (November 2 & 3rd, 2012), Berlin (December 1 & 2nd, 2012), and San Diego (Sept 22-23, 2012). This will be a two event covering the global economy with specific forecasting that will enable you to see the interconnected […]