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Market Talk – Nov. 6th, 2015

Asian equity markets were strong ahead of the US data with the Nikkei closing a promising week up 150pts (+0.8%) and Shanghai up 66pts (+1.9%). Worth noting this evening is that the Nikkei futures have built upon today’s cash gains and are currently up an additional 190pts at 19,480 (+1%). Europe failed to participate following the […]

Bankers Killing Highway Bill

A bipartisan group of House members is teaming up with banks in an 11th-hour effort to kill a provision that would raise $17 billion to help pay for a six-year highway bill by lowering the Federal Reserve dividend rate paid to banks on certain deposits. Dropping the Senate approved offset would intensify pressure on lawmakers to […]

Quantitative Easing & the Nightmare It Has Created

While so many people claimed that Quantitative Easing (QE) would produce inflation since it was the creation of money, the truth is very far from this simplistic idea. The theory used by the central banks is seriously flawed and a throwback to ancient times before 1971. There used to be a difference between debt and […]

Jobs & Markets

The jobs number came in sharply lower than expected. U.S. employers have not been hiring over the last two months and wages fell in September. With the 2015.75 turning point, we should begin to see declining economic numbers; a closing on the Dow below 15970 today will warn of a retest of the August low. […]

Fed Makes Same Mistake as It Did in 1927

The Federal Reserve yielded to international pressure, making the very same mistake that it made during 1927. Back then, there was a secret meeting and the Fed agreed to lower U.S. rates to try to help Europe to deflect capital inflows back to Europe. The exact opposite unfolded in the aftermath when even more money abandoned Europe […]

Gold Confusion

COMMENT: Good Evening Martin, Great blog on the Gold Martin. Don’t bother with the nay -sayers. Most probably he got stock with too much gold and silver. Most people have bias thinking because they hold certain assets. In my country currently, most people are holding minimum 2 to 4 houses. Some are even promoting people to […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2015

It was a mixed session for Asia yesterday after what has been a very volatile week. The talk remains as to what China’s next move would/should be and “if” the Fed will move next week. This been the most awaited Fed decision in years and has been the hot topic just about everywhere. It was a clearer […]

Money: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?

Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually is. If you do not grasp what the true function which money actually provides within the economy, then you will be unable to get anything else right […]

Market Talk — September 1, 2015

You can always expect a quiet session when one of the major centers are out for a bank holiday, and that was what we saw yesterday. Not that dealers needed much of an excuse after last week’s fun and games. Asia did have a weak session after all the talk of the possibility of the Federal Reserve […]

Velocity of Money & the Boom and Bust Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is the velocity of money an indicator of booms and bust? Didn’t the QE program by the Fed increase the money supply? Then why do we not see an increase in velocity or inflation? Confused & Curious TW ANSWER: The reality is, in a broad general sense, the velocity of money is […]