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Immunity Must Be Overruled for Police & Prosecutors to Save Everyone

  Once upon a time, we use to live in an honorable society. All systems move toward corruption and they inevitably move to protect their own agents. Ben Franklin wanted to create a legal system based upon the Scottish model where judges were nominated by lawyers and not politicians. He lost that argument and we […]

Refusing to Wear Masks in the South

  Journalists have not gotten the message — they are now viewed even below police as a trusted ethical profession in society. They spend all their time trying to scare people and disregard the economic havoc they have caused, no less the massive job loss and futures they have destroyed. About 30% of mortgages are […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2020

ASIA: The US government says it will block Chinese airlines from flying into the US in response to China’s decision to ban US air carriers on June 1, 2020. The Transportation Department restrictions will take effect on June 16 but could be enacted earlier if President Donald Trump decides to do so. The Transportation Department […]

German Study of Scientists Against Coronavirus Hidden from the Public

German leaked of a document confirming that this entire Coronavirus scare is nonsense has surfaced. The government lied to the public and claimed it was just the opinion of one employee. The German press, like the rest of the lot, attacked the report for they love the scare tactics of the virus to try to […]

Cyclical v Linear Analysis Special Report $4.95

Learn the methodologies behind our system's accurate forecasts. Unlike academics who rely on simple linear progressions, our system incorporates history, science, and cyclical patterns to determine when an event will occur.

Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – All Social Media is Being Manipulated by the Left

The media which everyone knows is now so biased and manipulated, has the audacity to claim that Trump’s new Executive Order threatens free speech. The problem is their view of “free” speech is to twist whatever they desire to fit their agenda. Here is CNN and how they manipulate statistics to put out fake stories. […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump launched a blistering attack on China on Friday, and announced a slew of retaliatory measures that will plunge US-China relations deeper into crisis. “They’ve ripped off the United States like no one has ever done before,” Trump said of China, as he decried the way Beijing has “raided our factories” and […]

Is it Time to Throw Every Politician Out of Office Who Imposed Lockdowns?

There is a rising discontent against politicians who have scared the hell out of people using this virus. They did so without ANY justification other than a bogus old program from Imperial College, funded by Bill Gates, that used a stochastic to try to forecast the future like the child’s game Sim City. The polls […]

Market Talk – May 26, 2020

ASIA: An internal Chinese report warns that China is facing a rising wake of hostility in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that could tip relations with United States into a confrontation, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. State media reports say that Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday directed China’s armed forces to […]

The 2020 Election

QUESTION: Hi Marty, What is your prediction for the 2020 election now this bug “crisis” has stirred everything up? Do you think they will try and run with Biden, incompetent as he is, and just unleash a media assault on Trump, blaming him for everything and hope that wins the day? Or do you still […]