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NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4 million (batteries not included). NATO is bypassing the wishes of independent nations who wished to cease funding the war. Defense contractors are celebrating this endless war. Raytheon, a […]

Russian Textbooks Revised: US Rigged 2020 Presidential Election

Russian schools are teaching the youth that America rigged its own election in 2020. Students in the 11th grade have posted excerpts from their revised textbooks to the internet. Newsweek requested a copy from the publisher, Sonin, who declared that everything published is factual and approved by Sergei Kravstov, Russia’s minister of education. Rough translation […]

December Marked the Largest Border Breach in US History

The backlog at the US-Mexico border has surpassed 3 million. US Border Patrol processed over 225,000 migrants in the first 27 days of December. This does not include the thousands who bypassed the ports of entry, which in and of themselves is a complete joke as no one is required to prove their identity. American […]

Ukraine Propaganda

QUESTION: Regrding Ukraines’ failing economy article, posted on Dec 31st 2023. Why is it, do you think, that the west wants to weaken Russia so badly? Isn’t the greater threat China? And also, wasn’t it Russia that started the invasion, so do they not have themselves to blame for the scrambling of war mongering from […]

January 2024

Believe it or not, on New Year’s Eve, we still celebrate the ancient Roman religion/myth of Janus, who presided over the beginning and end. So one face looked at the past and the other the coming new year. In fact, January is named after Janus. He also represented the beginning and end of the conflict. […]

Insurrection v Sedition – Bellow Has Violated the 14th Amendment Herself

We have reached a Constitutional Crisis of unimaginable consequences. These people who are clinging to the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump are themselves violating their oath of office and should be removed from any public position, even as a dog catcher, for they are engaging in sedition. The Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows is […]

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is Destroying the United States

I have previously warned that this hatred of Donald Trump is absolutely destroying our nation. Special counsel Jack Smith disclosed in court filings that he retrieved data from former President Donald Trump‘s smartphone and intends to use it in the trial. This is just astonishing. Smith has revealed that he extracted data from Trump‘s smartphone, […]

NATO & Russia Moving Toward War

QUESTION: News from Russia is claiming there will be a major war with NATO. I do not understand if Russia is no longer Communist; what is the real issue that we have to move to World War again? SV ANSWER: It’s just time. Having met a Neocon face to face, all I can offer is […]

Will the Supreme Court Save the Nation?

The Supervisory Power of the Supreme Court   This effort to prevent Trump from running for President is presenting a major CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. We have the extremely LEFTIST Supreme Court of Colorado ruling unconstitutionally that Trump should be barred from being on the ballot. Then we have the Michigan Supreme Court ruling against Colorado. Now, […]

The Part-Time President

Most Americans are using their saved vacation days to spend time with family during the holidays. Somehow, the man with arguably the most important job in the nation has been out of office for most of his recent career. Joe Biden has spent at least 40% of his presidency on vacation as he no longer […]