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Orchestrating the Coming Totalitarianism

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you for your courage and your willingness to report the truth whilst all we get is a “web of lies” from the “Deep State” and their grand partners, the mainstream media. My questions centers around the purported quote from Ezra Pound, “The problem with modern war is that it gives no one the chance to […]

Nuclear Arms no Longer Key to Peace

Russia has fitted its fleet with tactical nuclear weapons both in the North Sea and in the Atlantic. The United States and NATO have convinced themselves that they can destroy Russia and China and neither will resort to nuclear weapons.  Nobody ever questions: What if we are wrong? Once upon a time, it was PRESUMED […]

NATO Preparing for World War III

Perhaps NATO is starting to wake up. They now realize that they may have to wage war on two fronts simultaneously. NATO is considering what they call a defensive move which is an “Article 5 conflict” but also an “out-of-area” battle. This is showing that NATO is no longer what it was supposed to have […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2023

ASIA: India forecast economic growth of 6% to 6.8% in the 2023/24 fiscal year, slowing from the 7% growth projected for the current year ending on March 31, as a global slowdown is likely to hurt exports. The economic growth forecast for 2023/24 is higher than the International Monetary Fund’s projection of 6.1%, as the […]

What if Russia Nukes Kyiv?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In the event that Russia does employ nuclear weaponry in/over Ukraine, does Socrates offer any insight as to what effect that might have on Ukrainian food/energy/commodities -production in general (…. let alone their capabilities, or likely lack thereof, to transport, said items from fields/mines/etc. to harbors/rail-lines/etc.); and what type of effect […]

War itself is a Crime – it is legalized mass murder

The Ukrainian people WRONGLY believe that Putin is their enemy. You are looking in the WRONG direction. The Ukrainian people had better overthrow Zelensky fast before they lose their entire country and could come by April 26th. The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, just confirmed that he could care less about all the civilian […]

The Real Debt Crisis is Here

QUESTION: Marty, Ever since the debacle in London with the long-term debt, there have been whispers in NYC about how the demand for long-term is drying up. When this becomes critical, is that when the whole thing comes crashing down? KW ANSWER: That was the real gist of Yellen’s speech back in October of 2022. […]

The Collapse of the Monetary System – a Comedy of Errors

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differencies between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I asume, there might be big differences by countries. Many thanks and best regards, RZ ANSWER: […]

US Tells Americans to Leave Russia ASAP!

COMMENT: I am an American living in Moscow. We were just told that all Americans should leave Russia ASAP by the US embassy. I think all the governments are now looking at Socrates. Your name is even well known here in Moscow.  Maybe you have more influence than you realize. anonymous REPLY: Well, I have […]

The Coming War

COMMENT: Hi Marty, As it appears the US is marching toward war, what is notable this time, unlike what happened in the run-up to US participation in WW2, was the sense of isolationism in this country. Roosevelt was clearly walking a fine line, knowing there was no stomach for US involvement in Europe. US involvement in […]