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British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

It’s looking like a hung Parliament and the polls got it wrong again in Britain. The Conservatives appear to be 12 seats short of the 326 to rule with a majority vote after a 20 point lead back in April. Theresa May is facing a serious backlash over her shocking election campaign gamble following an exit […]

The Proposed Euro Bond Issue to Bailout ECB

COMMENT: Well Mr. Armstrong, perhaps you are wrong at last. It looks like your meetings in Brussels that quite a few people noted you shuffling around town did have an impact. Looks like your constant warning about the structure of the euro’s failure is being corrected. Looks like you did make a difference. So congratulations […]

Market Talk – May 26, 2017

Asian indices closed lower on the day following a disappointing OPEC announcement. The market had built-up so much expectation that no-reduction was necessary to avoid the dissatisfaction that eventually matured. However, that said the majority of talk early this morning was around the PBOC playing with the currency and also talk that a little intervention […]

Obama Administration Intervened in Canadian, British, and French elections

There is a very serious hypocrisy over this whole issue of Russia trying to influence the 2016 election when the Obama Administration directly intervened in Canada, Britain, and France as well as Israel and is expected to do so again in Britain and Germany. The New York Times, Washington Post, and just about every other […]

Is Germany Putting Pressure on Draghi? Absolutely!

QUESTION: Hi Martin, It cannot be said enough: thank you for everything that you do. While I would love the opportunity to sit down with you as I have a million questions concerning your excellent posts of today, let me focus in on The Coming Central Bank Crisis. As the Fed begins to unwind its […]

Market Talk- May 16th, 2017

Asian markets performed on the back of a strong US session which in turn was helped by the oil price rally. Having heard that Russia and Saudi had planned production cuts that could run into Q1 2018 we saw renewed confidence as investors moved away from the USD and into Euro, GBP and JPY. The […]

Draghi Says Anyone Leaving the EU Must Pay But EU Will Not Refund Surpluses

In the Netherlands, the Forum For Democracy leader Thierry Baudet confronted Mario Draghi of the ECB asking that since he had said anyone leaving must pay the ECB and exit fee of whatever they owe, he said the Netherlands had €100bn surplus at the ECB they should get back is. Mario Draghi stated bluntly, NO! […]

Market Talk- May 11th, 2017

A positive day across the board for Asian equity indices with KOSPI setting the pace (+1.16%) creating new records as it goes and with the ASX just managing a small +0.5% profit. The Nikkei continued its run (+0.3%) but remains under the psychological 20k mark, even as the Yen traded with a 114 handle. The […]

Macron to Hand All Sovereignty to Brussels

Emmanuel Macron’s victory promises no change for Europe and it has been the blessing Brussels wanted so badly to further advance the federalization of Europe. Macron will surrender far more French sovereignty to Brussels than anyone suspects based upon reliable sources. Macron is a technocrat and the youngest President in France ever at 39. His message […]

Emerging Market Debt Expanding Twice the Rate of 2016

The view that BREXIT is a creating uncertainty in Europe with the swell of populism, the demand for dollar denominated debt has been strong over the past year. This has led to more debt being racked up at a faster pace than ever in US dollars among emerging markets, which stood at about 50% of […]