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224 Year Collapsing Wave Structure Points to Breakup of USA

The CONFIDENCE in government is truly collapsing. The latest CNN Poll shows that 73% of Americans feel Congress has done nothing worthwhile. The approval rating for the Democrats has collapsed by 6% and this is all part of the process of shifting from a Public Confidence Wave to a Private Confidence Wave.   There are […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

2014 Conferences

We will be accepting Reservations and Payments Starting January 1st, 2014 for the Training Conference March 23rd, and the World Economic Conference March 25 & 26. See Upcoming Conferences The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference will include a special over-view of the Precious Metals  and when will the next Bull Market actually […]

2017.05 Ideal Target for the Cycle Inversion in Thinking

QUESTION: Hello Martin So what I can understand about the potential upcoming cycle inversion is that it will not produce a phase transition in equities going into Sept 2014 but after Oct 2015. Is that correct ? Also when is the earliest that we will know if this phase transition will occur ? Thank you again […]

Turkey is on the Verge of Real Civil Unrest

There has been a clash going on between the PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan who sees himself as governing Putin Style and the rising religious factions that was to take the country to Islamic law rules by religion. Keep an eye here as well. This turn in the Cycle of War seems to be signally unrest absolutely […]

Complexity & the Future of the Dow

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong. Going by your projections, is it reasonably safe to assume we will not have a major depression/crash before the 2032 ultimate cycle high? Many thanks. ANSWER: No. Nothing goes straight up. What does have to happen is the thinking process will invert and higher interest rates will be seen as bullish for […]

Cycle Inversions – Critical to Understand

QUESTION: you write: could be a major protraction/cycle inverson. is this a flip flop? what happened to capitol flows? dow 21,000 possibly 31,000? ANSWER: There MUST be a cycle inversion that takes place going into the end of this 51.6 Year Wave. If you do not understand cycles, you better start paying close attention. This is a chart of […]

Market Updates

Gold had a chance to at least rally and clean out some shorts, but could not close above 1243. The Dow is in the same position. We may be setting up for a MAJOR protraction of these trends for the next peak in the Economic Confidence Model 8.6 Year Wave in 2024. This implies there […]

WEC & Training Seminars March 23, March 25-26 Princeton, NJ

  The Dates & Venue Are Now Fixed for Princeton, New Jersey – Nassau Inn Sunday – How to Trade Session – March 23rd, 2014 Tuesday-Wednesday – WEC – March 25-26, 2014 We are working on the Venue for Friday March 21, 2014 Sovereign Debt Crisis & Cycles of War – Philadelphia ————— Please Register […]

Subscription Services

  Our services providing computer generated analysis is the most extensive in the world. We cover every market from Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, North and South America to the Pacific From Japan down to Australia and New Zealand. The Primary Advantage we offer is a consistent analysis not subject to human emotional opinions in […]