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Married to an Idea – The Dow & Elliot Wave

In trading, the first primary rule is: Do not marry the trade! This is what destroyed Japan. Because of the accounting rules Japanese investors did not have to report a loss until they took it. That rule (not marked to market) led to the Japanese holding losing positions until they cried blood from their eye […]

Dow Jones Industrial Update from Singapore

The Dow has backed off along with gold. The support to watch right now lies at 13200. A daily closing below this area is necessary to signal a shift in trend back to retest support. We will be looking at the Weekly levels on this tomorrow,

Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 5th, 2012 Banks Manipulating Gold – People v Banks – & Dow We have to understand that the bankers DO have fake analysts to put out bullshit. I believe they love to churn the fiat currency thing to divert the blame from them and to make the solution […]

Dow Jones Rally

Everything seems to still be on time with the original computer forecasts. The Dow headed into its June Low on target and has now elected the Bullish Reversal at 1275. We appear to be headed toward a high for August/September and we must be careful about a crash thanks to the sharp increases in taxation […]

We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved August 4th, 2012 We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown Why We Need Gold in Times like This I have never been one to yell fire in a crowded movie. But this is getting absolutely ridiculous.  The global economy is in such a tailspin and […]

Dow Jones Industrials Outlook

Dow The Dow Jones Industrials elected Weekly Bearish Reversals starting the week ending May 11th, The next one lies at 11963 followed by 11180.The Monthly level showed that May was an outside reversal to the downside.The month-end closing below 12700 signalled a near-term correction was in order.However, the first Monetky Bearish Reversal lies at 11728 […]

Dow Jones Industrial Average All-Time Largest One Day Gains & Losses

Check out the newest update to the Research page: Dow Jones Industrial Average All-Time Largest One Day Gains & Losses New updates are being added to site daily so check back on a regular basis.

Dow Jones Industrial Average All-Time Largest One Day Gains & Losses

Dow Jones Industrial Average All-Time Largest One Day Gains & Losses

2 New Writings: Gold and Down-Under Turning Upside-Down

Two new updates from Martin Armstrong, Gold and Down-Under Turning Upside-Down, are now out on the 2012 Writings page.

Down-Under Turning Upside-Down

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved March 25th, 2012 One of the cyclical trends that materializes with economic declines of this nature is that whoever is in power is typically thrown out with the bath water. Australia is turning center-right and the issues are tax grabs, illegal aliens, and the all too familiar political promise […]