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Two Terabytes of Clinton Documents Have Vanished From National Archive – Presumed Stolen

Now two terabytes of Clinton documents while in the White House have been stolen from the National Archive. The documents stolen appear to contain memos, emails, and other electronic documents from the Clinton White House. This took place while Hillary was serving as secretary of state. National Archives officials presumed the drive “was stolen,” according to a […]

Putin Campaigns for Trump

As Election Day nears, the Trump campaign has enlisted President Vladimir Putin, of Russia, to appear with the Republican nominee on stage. This has been really amazing for it drives a nail straight into the heart of this nonsense that Trump would be the one to start war, not Hillary. Indeed, it is Qatar and […]

Political Scandals in South Korea Spark Demand for Resignations

Political scandal have rocked South Korea with essentially the same influence peddling that the Clintons do. However, instead of praising their president as Americans and the media do with Hillary, South Korean prosecutors arrested two former top presidential aides Sunday for exactly the same thing that Hillary does influence-peddling and tens of thousands of people […]

The Markets Heading into Election

As we move into the elections and the polls narrow with Trump gaining, the power that be will try to push the US share market down to create the image that a Trump victory will be devastating just as they did in Britain. The number to watch in the Dow for today’s closing is 17713. […]

Clinton Foundation Being Investigated now by IRS, FBI & Intelligence

Wikileaks has also revealed that the Clinton Foundation, which is the closest thing to a Racketeering Organized Crime Family, is being investigated by the IRS. However, sources also say that the FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation is far more serious than did she have classified info on private emails. The internal war we have […]

BREXIT Must be Decided by Parliament not the People

The British court ruled that Parliament, not the “people”, must vote on BREXIT. If Parliament overrules the people, we are looking at massive civil unrest in Britain as well. The whole world is just going nuts and what the people vote may mean absolutely NOTHING. So much for Democracy. Our forecast for this Crisis was […]

Never Ending Conflict of Interest – Complete Collapse of the Rule of Law

We are looking at the complete collapse in the rule of law. There is no other way to put this. The Department of Justice is so compromised with Lynch at the head it is getting to be absurd. Peter J. Kadzik is the Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Clearly, […]

Gold Bugs Always Mislead the People

COMMENT: Marty, the gold bugs are at it again desperately trying to say you are wrong as always and just misrepresent whatever they can. They acknowledge you called for new highs in the Dow, but claim even that was not until 2013 when I read about your forecast back in 2011 in Barrons. They seem […]

Stock Market Crash & Gold Rally?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people keep calling for a stock market crash. At the same time, it has hung on to the 18000 level in the Dow for dear life. Do you see such a devastating crash as even possible? PJ ANSWER: No possible way. Retail participation is at near record lows. It has […]

FBI Release FOIA On Clinton’s Pardon of Marc Rich for Money

The FBI has released the first batch of Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) on Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich, another pardon for money deal. I have previously wrote that there was a kid in prison at Fort Dix who received a pardon from Bill Clinton and was bragging how his father bought it for […]