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Phase Transition – Cycle Inversion

QUESTION: Marty, you have said that the turning points are just that, turning points. So if we get a high or double top the first week of September, will the market still rally thereafter? Are we looking at a cycle inversion here, where the ECM begins to rise while the market declines sharply? If not, then […]

Ukraine Dividing in Two?

Behind the curtain there is a growing opinion that Ukraine should just be split in two and hand the East to Russia and call it a day. This is starting to come down the pipeline and we may see this develop into open debate soon. Not everyone in the East speaks Russian. Donetsk is by far […]

French New Government – Same Direction – Death of Europe?

François Hollande’s new government only stifled voices of dissent from the left wing of his Socialist Party. These marginal changes simply mean that France is headed down the dark path to meet its destiny and as the second largest economy after Germany, France will take Europe as a whole with it. Hollande’s already unbelievable weak political standing […]

China to Replace Microsoft, Apple, and Android by Year-End

The revelations of the NSA tapping into everything has long-term serious implications. This outrageous snooping will cost the United States dearly for it will lose its technology edge over the world economy. As that declines, so will the US economy and that is how the shift to China will unfold. Computer technology became an area […]

There is an 800% Higher Probably Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist

The Ferguson incident has exposed the underbelly of the United States and now everyone is starting to pay attention that there is a higher risk of being killed by police even when they chase or shoot at people who need not be you. The risk is 800% greater that you will be killed by POLICE […]

New Contagion

It appears that we are at the beginning of a trend similar to the race riots that started in 1964 insofar as this is against police brutality and abuse. The Reverend Al Sharpton led thousands of chanting but peaceful activists in a march across Staten Island on Saturday to protest the death of Eric Garner, […]

DEFLATION and yet another reason to Buy Equities

With the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Bail-Ins, Cycle of War, Global Contraction if Capital Flows & Investment, welcome the age of DEFLATION and yet another reason to BUY equities. The NASDAQ Composite is up 50.9% from the 2007 high as of the close of July. This index still has the capability of reaching 650000 level compared to the […]

The Second Murder by Police St Louis

 Man Murdered on Video by St Louis Police This video shows a call about a man who stole a couple donuts. He stays there waiting for the police to show up. They get there are tell him to drop a knife and just kill him with multiple shots. There is no attempt to disarm him […]

Yahoo Fighting Back – Moving Out of London to Preserve Security

Theresa Mary May PC MP (born October 1st, 1956) is a British Conservative politician, and the current UK Home Secretary. She was first elected to Parliament in 1997 as Member of Parliament for Maidenhead. She went on to be appointed Chairman of the Conservative Party and was sworn of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council in […]

The Obama Dark Age

The arrogant President Obama suggested in an interview published in the New York Times on Saturday that you need to be a lawyer to understand the U.S. Constitution. This is precisely what I mean about law. It is always someone’s interpretation because it is impossible to ever write anything and have it mean a single […]