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How they Handle Police Brutality in Switzerland

When a fan ran out onto a soccer field, several policeman tackle him and start beating him with clubs. This conduct outraged the fans so much, people from the stands stormed onto the field and chased down the police for their inappropriate actions. (Video).

Crisis Collapse in World Capital Flows

QUESTION: Marty; You have emphasized how you track world capital flows and conducted your research even in the flows of capital and disparity of interest rates between regions in the Roman Empire. You have mentioned that liquidity has collapsed and that capital has fled from emerging markets that is also putting pressure on Russia before […]

US Share Market – Correction Over or Posturing?

The S&P500 elected a Daily Bullish Reversal last week and a rally unfolded thereafter. But we see this as posturing just yet. The volatility will begin with the first week in September and then rise into November. This market does not appear to be in crash mode – only a correction mode buying time. The […]

Why the Free Press Cannot Co-Exist with Federal Judges

The New York Times journalist James Risen is facing potentially life imprisonment unless he reveals all his sources. Risen has gone on record stating that the Obama Administration is hunting down journalists to shut them up. Risen has refused to reveal a source and testify against a former CIA agent accused of leaking secrets. This is […]


United States Court of Appeals,Second Circuit. Martin A. ARMSTRONG, Petitioner-Appellant, v. Joseph R. GUCCIONE, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, and Marvin D. Morrison, Warden, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Respondents-Appellees, Alan M. Cohen, Intervenor Receiver-Appellee. Docket Nos. 04-5448-PR(L), 05-0280-PR(CON). Decided: November 27, 2006 Before:  WALKER, LEVAL and SOTOMAYOR, Circuit Judges. Thomas V. Sjoblom […]

The Latest in the Derivative Nightmare on the Horizon

The entire problem with derivatives being structured by banks has been the complex nature and the fact that such structures remain untested and perpetually blow up in everyone’s face. The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday reported that Credit Suisse helped put together billions of dollars in securities that were issued by offshore investment vehicles of […]

Orange County December 1994 Bankruptcy

On December 6th, 1994, Orange County California became the largest municipality in U.S. history ever to file for bankruptcy. The financial difficulties leading to the bankruptcy were the direct result of an enormous gamble with public funds taken by a county treasurer who was seriously under-qualified to deal in the kinds of investments he chose. […]

Big Bang – Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is unfolding on schedule. I have warned at the Philadelphia Conference that half of Germany’s municipalities are on the edge of bankruptcy as was the case with Detroit. Instead of reform, no, government just increases the tax burden upon the people who they see having an endless supply of money to be […]

Mainstream Press Always Wrong?

QUESTION: Martin you continue to provide us with economics based on cycles and human nature far different than my economics degree taught me. Thank you. The recent mainstream press seems decidedly bearish on US Equities.  Does this provide impetus for movement toward the phase transition  and resulting bubble?  Is the mainstream press generally on the wrong […]

Our Greek Tragedy – Endless Repetition

QUESTION: I have followed you for decades and use adaptions of your theories in my trading. However there seems to be some contradictions in the way you analyse the world. Like me, you see developments as cyclical. Yet, and this what I find strange, you criticise players for what is happening, when they are just pawns to the cycles. […]