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Russia Passed the Point of No Return?

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 still offers a chance for Putin to distance himself from pro-Russian separatists in east Ukraine and seal the border. Putin can take the position that his own investigation confirmed the separatists short down the plane by accident. That would be a small step for Putin in a normal […]

July Recap of Few Markets

  The closings for July were quite important in the long-run.Gold on a nearest futures basis closed July at 1281.30. Support during August will lie at the 1240.00  and resistance will form at 1285.00 on a closing basis with 1318.00 followed by 1350.00. We do not see a possible final low before Jan/Feb 2015. The […]

State of the World Trends

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly, I would like to thank you for discussing economic and political matters in an honest and frank manner.  It is difficult in the present world to find individuals with integrity, and I am aware that you have sacrificed a great deal in order to maintain yours.  As a student of […]

Russia’s Response

Russia is responding by raising energy costs to Europe and throwing out all US auditing and financial companies in the country. The deputies of the Duma have already brought a law on the way to be voted on. Among the affected companies, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young LLP, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Boston Consulting Group Inc. and McKinsey & […]

Argentina Defaults – Assets Rise?

Argentina is moving into default and they could trigger bondholder claims between $25 to $30 billion. This is an amount equal to all its foreign-currency reserves. True,  if overdue interest on Argentina’s dollar-denominated debt due 2033 is not paid by July 30, then provisions in bonds known as cross-default clauses would allow the nation’s other debt […]

Why We will Go to War with Russia

The latest headline to appear in the German Press – “Putin confidant: There will be war in Europe” Indeed, our own back-door channels are red hot. It seems many people are well aware of our model on the Cycle of War and have been lighting up my phone. I knew people always wanted to know […]

ECB & Negative Interest Rates

The European Central Bank is so out of touch with the economy it is frieghtening. They see that they have a range of options to consider including negative interest rates. What they do not grasp is that people will not invest and start businesses simply because interest rates are too high. The people must see […]

Gold & the False Rally

  Every single brief uptick and they come running out of the closet and start all over again – sell everything you own and buy gold. We will be releasing the Special Report on metals next week after we get this monthly closing. So far, it still appears that gold could extend this present bear […]

Going to War with Russia?

US and EU are ready to impose new sanctions against Russia furthering the new cold war and raising the stakes for this turning hot. The U.S. and EU are looking to place tougher sanctions on Russia aimed at the finance, defense and energy sectors of the country’s economy. The EU, which is highly dependent on Russia’s energy […]

Will Technology Collapse because of NSA?

China has raided the offices of Microsoft escalating the ban on Windows 8 even further. At what point will the technology companies stand-up and demand the NSA has its wings clipped? People can claim this is just political blow-back from China, but sorry, even NASA dumped Windows 8 simply stating it is not secure. The NSA […]