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There is More At Stake Than Just China

Dennis Lockhart, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, stuck to his guns late Monday by stating that he still expects the Fed to raise short-term interest rates in the next few months. I have been warning that without higher rates, the Fed is facing a pension crisis because rates have been kept way too low […]

The World of Currencies

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the pegs are breaking everywhere. It appears that what you have warned about is unfolding right on time. The emerging markets seem to have a choice. If they do not float they will end up with the same crisis as in 1997. China seems to react quickly to their numbers showing their […]

We Deserve What We Get

QUESTION: Marty— Every post is enlightening. I was intrigued that there is no ‘plunge protection team’. I believe you, because you have been behind the curtain. Then what is the ‘Presidents Working Group’ and what does Kevin Henry do? Enlighten me more! Thank you. RK ANSWER: That was a presidential executive order from 1988. I was called […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2015

With the exception of the bond sell-off yesterday, the markets behaved reasonably well – even in thin summer trading. This comes after Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart’s comments that the Fed is poised to raise rates. Today, we saw a mixed Asian session for equities with both the Nikkei and HSI ending with small gains (+0.45%) whilst the […]

Banks Become the Target of the Hunt for Taxation

A very serious issue in banking has arisen that bears watching. Our model has been warning is that the bankers are losing control of government and are now becoming their target. While the likelihood of this new legislation coming out of the Senate and over the House may not be so great, nonetheless, this bill […]

Fed’s Leaked Internal Forecast into 2020

COMMENT #1: Marty, I can see why the government said you manipulate the world. The countless people who plagiarize whatever you and your computer forecast is unbelievable. There are people claiming the world will end on October 1st to others trying to pretend they have the same model giving the date as October 7th. Then […]

What Is Going on in the NY Fed? Will They Break Apart Big Banks?

In a speech, the New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed the outrageous misconduct that has been going on within the financial industry. Indeed, it has really just been a few bad apples. Nevertheless, Dudley doesn’t pinpoint any one firm rather he states: “The problems originate from the culture of the firms, and this culture is largely shaped […]

Government Has Gone Insane – That’s What a Phase Transition Is All About

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad,” was spoken by Prometheus in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “The Masque of Pandora”. This seems to be very appropriate to explain our government officials for they are truly insane when it comes to economics. This is all about them sustaining a failed system that is unsupportable. They refuse to look […]

The Fed & Interest Rates: The Nightmare That Will Not End Nicely

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; You have written that the Federal Reserve remains on track to raise interest rates later this year and this will accelerate the capital inflows driving the dollar higher. You previously warned that this will also set off further defaults in emerging market debt and you have also said that the pension funds […]

Why the Fed Will Have to Raise Interest Rates

The prospect of the Federal Reserve remaining on track to raise interest rates later this year is still settling in, yet people fail to grasp that raising rates will be bullish and it will confirm the capital flows are moving into the USA. We have a serious divergence between the USA and Europe. Not only […]