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Bill Gates Has Been Controlling WHO

  We have a major crisis on our hands. Bill Gates is a VERY SERIOUS threat to not just the world economy, but to world peace. He has been using a loophole that allows health organizations to appear to be government agencies but are not independent and have been actually controlled by Gates. You will […]

Krakatoa Eruption in Indonesia – Dawn of a Volcanic Winter?

Krakatoa has once again erupted on April 11, 2020. The risk of a more serious eruption extends into August 7th, 2020. Indonesia has over 130 active volcanoes, the most of any nation. Of course, there remains the legendary eruption of Krakatoa which culminated in a series of massive explosions over 26–27 August 1883, which were […]

Are We On The Verge of War?

Russia has been testing the US defenses since this coronavirus began. US fighter jets intercepted a pair of Russian military aircraft as they entered into the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone. I cannot stress enough that our ONLY deterrent against war was the strength of our economy, which everyone relied on to sell products. With this […]

The Future & the Destruction of Capital Formation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin – I have followed your blog for a long-time now. I enjoy reading a different viewpoint and somebody pointing out problems that don’t have a motive to take advantage of the “problems”. I find it deeply troubling that the US does not have a valid large news outlet anymore – no matter […]

Gates, Imperial College’s Ferguson Who Started this Nightmare & Jeffrey Epstein

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in Britain is ground zero for this world lockdown. He even testified before the British Parliament and nobody really interrogated him. He projected that the death rates would be 20% of the population and then had to admit he made a mistake. While many have focused on the sex scandal […]

Gates & Fauci Conspiracy

The conspiracy between Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci is in the open. We now have Fauci saying the same thing as gates – the country will NEVER return to normal until everyone is vaccinated against this pretend virus. Fauci has suggested that until a vaccine is developed, we will NEVER be allowed to do anything […]

Influence v a Cabal

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I don’t mean this against you specifically, but your latest post reminded me of It. I am in my 40s now. Ever since 9/11 I have been hearing older people say, ‘I’m just glad I’m not 18 today.’ Everyone knew this was coming. All the old people in America could have […]

Bill Gates is the Greatest Threat to Your Future

  Bill Gates is the single greatest threat to your future. His entire agenda is to outlaw all gatherings until you are vaccinated and chipped so they know you are vaccinated. This man is conspiring to take down Western culture. The Left has jumped on his band-wagon so rapidly, this is an unquestionable coup with […]

Bill Gates & CO2 Must Be ZERO

  Bill Gates was all on board with Greta, Al Gore, and Greenpeace. Using the coronavirus and demanding we be locked down until at least June, this is a covert means to further their climate change and to subject the world to a new authoritarian regime. What these people have done is beyond contemplation. This […]

Unprecedented Power Grab

  We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You have to wonder if someone like Bill Gates is really stupid with respect to economics, or is he deliberately trying to further the same agenda he supported for Climate Change […]