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Market Talk – November 22, 2019

  ASIA: Chinese President Xi has said that he wishes to avoid a trade war with the US. However, he expressed if pushed too far he is willing to retaliate. “We want to work for a ‘phase one’ agreement on the basis of mutual respect and equality,” Xi told members of an international forum. This has […]

The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.” This has been based upon a book that has put forth a theory that one of the five mass extinctions in history was caused by CO2 […]

Market Talk – November 13, 2019

ASIA: More protests occurred overnight in Hong Kong as students and police have been clashing. China will most likely intervene in Hong Kong as their previous “hands off” policy is not providing the desired result. China released a new submarine. The JL-3 has a range of up to 7,500 miles and could reach the US […]

Afterlife & Psychic Powers

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I, like most of your followers, read your findings, with great interest! You are, most definitely, Providing that, which is sorely lacking in the World, ….. Honesty! Many people, can deal with Life’s ups and downs, provided they feel they are not being lied to! I know, I most likely should […]

British Labour Party – The Greatest Threat to Britain

There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop workers, builders, just about everyone is finding it harder to get by, while Morgan Stanley’s CEO paid himself £21.5m last year and UK banks paid out £15bn in bonuses.” What […]

Warren’s Wealth Tax

Warren’s Wealth Tax is so destructive to the economy and demonstrates that she listens to Thomas Piketty, the French communist pretend economist. She wants to impose a 6% tax on billionaires per year. That means if you lost 20%, you still have to pay 6% of your assets every year to the government to fund […]

Market Talk – November 8, 2019

ASIA: The Chinese Community Party has responded to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s attack that claimed China is too focused on international domination and needs to be confronted. The CCP stated that his comments were extremely dangerous and exposed his sinister intentions. “Pompeo is splitting apart and setting in antagonism against each other the Chinese […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would free trade between 16 countries whose collective GDP composes 1/3 of the global economy. Leaders from all 16 nations are set to meet in Bangkok on Monday. However, India voiced reluctancy […]

The Cycle of Climate Fear Tactics

QUESTION: Thank you for your interesting writing on climate change. I take it you see the cycle as natural and this fear seems to flip back and forth between warming and cooling as you published various news articles. Do you rank this as just fear-mongering? TB ANSWER: If we look just since 1895, the media […]

Bail-In v Bailout of Banks in USA

QUESTION: Might you clarify this response you gave on one of your very recent blogs. You said bail-in may NOT be permitted on US soil. Did you mean that despite the laws written in the USA to allow it, you don’t think it is likely to happen to USA citizens banking in the USA? OR […]