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The Impeachment of Trump – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: I really do not understand how this is an impeachable offense to ask Ukraine if there was any wrong doing on the part of Biden? UD ANSWER: It is not. They are twisting this by claiming Trump was seeking help from a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 election. It is the same […]

Deep State & the Latest Ukrainian Scandal

QUESTION: Do you think this latest Ukraine scandal is another attempt by the Deep State to get rid of Trump? SK ANSWER: Yes, I do. This whistleblower did NOT have direct knowledge. His report was wrong but that does not seem to matter even though it was not something he even had personal knowledge of. […]

SEC Routinely Prosecutes Family Favors in Business Dealings

  A treaty was signed between Ukraine and the USA which plainly states that Ukraine will assist in any investigation that may lead to criminal activity. There certainly is nothing that is impeachable to ask Ukraine to investigate Biden, which has long been considered a very strange conflict of interest. In the real world, company […]

Market Talk – September 30, 2019

  ASIA: Chinese economic data from last Friday showed that industrial company profits dropped 2% in August from a year ago. It reversed a 2.6% gain in the previous month, indicating growing pressure on the corporate sector as the economy slows further. President Xi of China paid his respects to the founder of the Communist […]

Trump Impeachment

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House is opening a formal impeachment inquiry of Trump, saying he’s violated his oath of office and obligations under the Constitution. Her announcement that she will begin an impeachment inquiry over Ukraine has now been the excuse for US stocks to revisit support. There was no announcement of a vote […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2019

ASIA: Regarding the US-China trade deal, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today. Mr. Wang Yi expressed that China had no intentions of removing the US from the world leader status. However, he stressed that the US must “remove all unreasonable restrictions” with regards to the trade deal. He […]

Market Talk – August 27, 2019

ASIA: Contrary to US comments that two calls were made over the weekend, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that he did not hear of any call being made. He also expressed that the increase in tariffs are putting huge pressure on both sides and are not constructive at all. “We hope that the […]

Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Ghislaine Maxwell was more than the alleged protector and procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein as well as his girlfriend based upon allegations. However, she is also the daughter of Robert Maxwell who I believe was a member of “The Club.” Interestingly, Maxwell’s protege was also William Browder who loves to run around claiming […]

Did the CIA Orchestrate the Ukrainian Revolution?

The attribution to the CIA orchestrating the Ukrainian Revolution against Yanukovich is total BS!!!!!!!!! I had personal friends on the barricades at Maidan when the protests began on the 21st of November 2013. I was advising the people I knew that they had to get the police to switch sides. A personal friend had the […]

Italy Seizes Missile from Far Right Activists

The tensions in Europe continue to rise as the entire refugee issue has led to a major polarization within Europe. In Italy, the BBC reported that an anti-terrorism police unit in northern Italy seized an air-to-air missile and other sophisticated weapons during raids on far-right extremist groups who were combat ready. The missiles belong to […]