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FATCA – Delayed or Realizing there is a Collapse Underway?

While they have been proud to announce that 77,000 foreign institutional have already signed up before July 1st, they did postpone it until July 2015. Nonetheless, the damage has been done long ago when this was passed. The huge fines they are imposing on foreign banks is further undermining the European and Swiss banking systems […]

The Destruction of the World Economy

The Senate subcommittee has been examining tax avoidance by multinational companies. Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Inc. have all been the subjects of previous hearings by the panel. The 2013 investigation into Apple uncovered a subsidiary that earned $30 billion over four years with no home for tax purposes. The subcommittee also has investigated […]

French Economy Slips Below Even Greece – Last Place in Europe Productivity

If anything proves that this idea of Socialism/Communism goes against human nature, all we have to do is look closely at France. The idea of Communism actually emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. It was the next step in Republicanism where people came together and voted […]

Getting off the Grid

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You mention getting off the grid – but with technology –  today – how is ownership of anything ‘getting off the grid’? If governments truly want to hunt down global wealth and tax it – how is owning a house in London or a farm in NZ going to help anyone – […]

I told You So

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I know you never solicit input but I must tell you that after reading your blog I have no desire to read any of the 12 other publications I used to read about politics and economics. I truly feel now that it is all BS when I read those. My question […]

Can Patterns Target Individuals?

QUESTION: hello, you wrote today: The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be done right down to an individual. It is looking for patterns based upon your cycle work is Hillary Clinton likely to be the next president? regards., Ted ANSWER: Our models on politics do not target an […]

Thatcher & the Euro

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were a key player in Britain and the euro. That is well-known in private circles here in the UK. You were friends with Thatcher’s personal economic advisor Sir Alan Walters. I believe John Major’s government called you in September 1992 when Major was forced to float the pound as Thatcher had […]

NBC’s Snowden Interview

NBC has published a reasonable interview with Edward Snowden. It is worth the time to watch. It provides a glimpse into what he is about and explains the data mining that people have no idea the revelations that can emerge. The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be […]

Constitution is Just a Scrap of Paper

QUESTION: Hi Mr.  Armstrong, You have been saying that we must crash and burn before anything will change for the better long term, because never before in history has a corrupt government willingly given up its power. I wonder though, never before in history, at least to my knowledge (which is very limited compared to your […]

Piketty – The Greatest Justification to Just Rob Anyone Who Has more Than You

We are seeing the most dangerous trend ever. There is an agenda behind the curtain and that is to sustain government at all costs and that includes everything you own. I have warned that either government will move toward a totalitarian state or to real democracy – real Athens style without the career politicians. The […]