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The Check and Balance is the Debt Itself

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, You correctly (I believe) describe what will happened: Today it appears that we will first eliminate the paper currencies and move to a new electronic version to make avoiding taxes impossible. Hence people will flee to tangible assets and the velocity of money will decline taking the economy with it. That will […]

NSA Destroying the World Economy

For years, people have warned that there is an unholy cabal between government and corporate America that included computers and the military industrial establishment. That was valid decades ago, but the NSA is off the chain. They not only were tapping into everything everywhere, they began intercepting computers and installing their own tricks in there. […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

Gov’t Has Lost All Power to Do Anything – The Void in Leadership

QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, I am in agreement with what you say about there being no overriding, controlling group in charge of things. However, with the politicians trying to federalise Europe through the back door and now seen to be failing, is it possible (or even likely) that they would now conspire to bring about […]

Ukraine Elects Petro Poroshenko with 55% of What & Why

Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko (born 1965) is a Ukrainian billionaire businessman  known as the ‘Chocolate King’, He is now the President-Elect of Ukraine. He was elected as President of Ukraine on 25 May 2014 with over 55% of the vote, thus winning in the first round without the need for a run-off. However, our direct sources in […]

Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all powerful groups who control the world in unison yet […]

First Time in British History 3rd Party Wins! Welcome the Rise in 3rd Parties

I have been warning that the economic pressure began in Europe. It began precisely to the day on Pi following the 2007.15 turning point. This same turning point from the previous wave pinpointed the 911 attack. That said, this was significant. I have been saying the dollar will be the last to fall – not […]

Russia Leaks on 911 – Oops! Didn’t Think of That One!

Russia is starting to fight back with leaking the evidence that the USA has worked with terrorists and knew about 911 if not help the terrorists organize the attack. The Saudi’s have controlled the terrorists and threatened Russia that their Olympic Games would be safe only if they agreed to the Saudi terms. It was […]

Barclay’s Gold Manipulation & Dr. Evil

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a converted and repentant Goldbug. I have listened to the same hype all the way up and all the way down. They always blamed mysterious manipulators for their mistakes. What I understand from your explanation is that there is no grand plan of manipulation, it is always just trading […]

Eastern Ukraine Moving Toward Civil War

  Pro-Russian Tourists killed in battles The number of clashes between the pro-Russian tourists and Ukrainian troops has been escalating. More than 20 have been killed in more gun battles. With the elections in the East tomorrow, Sunday’s presidential election remains uncertain whether voters will brave the threats of armed pro-Russian militants who have been setting […]