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Banks Manipulating Markets

Dealing with the money center banks has been treacherous to say the least. When I wrote Behind the Curtain, the NY manipulators tried to say it was just me striking back. Then Greg Smith put out his book Why I Left Goldman Sacks. Again, the NY media protected the banks and claimed Smith’s book was […]

Income Tax Revenues Collapsing in the States

The bite in taxes is taking its toll and the socialists cannot get through their think head that the higher you raise tax rates, the lower the revenue you will collect. They refuse to look at reality and keep trying to squeeze blood from a stone. They are setting the stage for the worst economic […]

2013 August 7th What Was it? Nothing or a Watershed Shift?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading almost all of your writings in the past 4-5 years.  I just wanted to clarify or dig a little bit deeper on your blog post today for the Dow and the ECM.  You noted that we must wait until the bottom of the ECM in September this […]

The End Goal

COMMENT: Marty, the blog has been spot on recently… thanks so much for your efforts.  As time goes on, it may be beneficial for you to re-share both lesser and more well known historical examples for how society has instituted meaningful non-violent political change.  Perhaps later down the road readers could somehow coordinate by geographic […]

The Age of Disinformation – Hiding Truth in Plain Sight

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to your discussion with Glen Downs. You said that the first golden rule of disinformation is to exaggerate the event. Can you elaborate on that? Thank you OG ANSWER: This is standard operational procedure and it is why I am very skeptical about conspiracy theories. Trace the origins and you […]

Military Takes Control of Thailand

On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being reflected in the elections in India, which was an uprising politically against corruption there as well. Thailand has been in turmoil given […]

Riots Starting Again in Brazil – Corruption with World Cup

Serious rioting during protests against the World Cup in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The cost of the World Cup have risen to 60 billion dollars. The people are now protesting against the continual corruption that is causing escalating costs. The mob has been setting vehicles on fire right in downtown. It seems that those who keep spreading lies […]

Track Record & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year

  Martin Armstrong was named Economist of the Decade & Hedge Fund Manager of the Year Financial risks have always existed wherever trade has been undertaken. However, the extent to which they have been identified, quantified and controlled has varied tremendously. Some well-publicized losses have been incurred by both financial and non-financial organisations around the […]

Constantine Saint or just another Political Fraud?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your take on Constantine that he was just another politician who told his troops he saw a vision in the sky. He then had his troops put crosses on their shields because he faced an army twice his size and that his opponent was Christian who built the first Christian […]

Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

  Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. This is a political agenda to raise taxes by politicians and to reduce population growth among academics. What these people have […]