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How Taxes Will Make COVID-19 Vanish

COMMENT:  Is there a tax that I can pay to stop Covid-19, or does that only work for climate change ? 🙂 KL REPLY: No worries. They got that covered. Cash is dirty now. If you touch it you will die. I am sure they are working on a virus that flourishes with gold or […]

UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus

Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or conjecture. I have WARNED that we are facing a leftist coup of major proportions. I have warned […]

Is Greta Trying to Cash in on the Coronavirus?

Even Greta Thunberg is getting in on the act by trying to claim she has the coronavirus. She wrote in a social media post on Tuesday that she and her father had both shown symptoms of COVID-19 after returning from a recent trip to Central Europe. She had stayed inside and self-isolated for the past […]

Is this a Staged Political Coup on a Grand International Level?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, No one has been more spot on before the deluge than you in calling these moves. Have you ever seen such idiocy in all your life as is on full display today with these politicians jockeying for position, cramming their pet projects into the bailouts and trying to without support for funding while the […]

Sanity in the Middle of Chaos – Why Italy Has More Deaths than China

COMMENT:  Marty, I am a physician in Ohio. Long time blog reader and pro subscriber since WEC in Orlando 2019. I am amazed at the groupthink that has “infected” medicine just like it has destroyed social science, climate change discussions, politics, etc. It is very destructive. I want to share with your readers some real […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: Martin, I cannot believe the stuff you do. Truly amazing. I’ve got two questions, should you have any time: 1] if Coronagate is real, do you have any idea who is pulling the strings and why? 2] have you ever wondered why pi features so heavily in your cycles? I don’t know how […]

Will Coronavirus Alter the Economy Forever?

I have been doing my own investigation using REAL DIRECT sources who do suggest that the death rate caused by the flu is higher than reported and in that case, the numbers may be understated, but that does involve the elderly in particular. Hence, the death rate here with the Coronavirus may really be on […]

The Cyclical Nature of Disease

QUESTION: Do you think there is any validity that this was a leak from their biolab in China? HDF COMMENT: I saw the claims that they spliced AIDS into the Coronavirus claiming this was somehow proof of a lab experiment. You correctly stated that was false. But these conspirators do not know anything about these […]

Plastivores – The Planet will Save Itself

(Image Credit: Harald Grove/Brandon University) Our fascinating planet is more resilient than we could imagine. We create issues for which the planet already has solutions. Plastics have become the demon that the politicians wish to eliminate or tax in their laughable effort to save the Earth as if this incredible planet were a damsel in […]

Market Talk – March 3, 2020

ASIA The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) has filed an intervention in the Indian Supreme Court on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and informed India’s Permanent Mission in Geneva about it, India’s Ministry of External Affairs said. This means that the global human rights body wants to be made a party in […]