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Chinese Yuan Passes Euro as #2 Currency for Trade

The Chinese yuan data is now in and the October numbers from the Swift system show that the yuan, which in January 2012 held only 1.89% of trade transactions, jumped to 8.66% surpassing the Euro, which has fallen to just 6.64% of Swift transactions. In January 2012, the Euro held 7.87% of Swift transactions. These […]

China’s No-Fly Zone – Confronting Japan & USA

We have been asked about the recent expansion of China’s borders into the Sea just north of the Senkaku Islands. This is precisely on target for our Cycle of War model on China that was due to turn up in 2012 and has done so perfectly. We review this cycle in a Special Report on […]

The Coming Cycle Inversion in Metals

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have followed your work for years and thank you very much for the public service you perform on a weekly basis. We have been forewarned on repeated occasions about major turns in the World due to your outstanding work on Cycles and the ECM. Here is my question. In early 2014 […]

Best Trades Are Always Emotional

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Two questions for you. 1.  I’ve read you say something to the effect of your best trades were the ones where you wondered why the heck you just did what you did.  I have also found all my best trades scared the pants off of me right after I made them.  Why […]

Practical Economics is Coming

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   I’m a 30yr old treasury trader. I trade billions a week/month with the biggest of the big from hedge funds to mostly primary dealers, I do technical analysis for them and I trade for myself but Im writing you because you have inspired me and influenced me throughout my career. […]

Why is Timing Consistent Throughout the Ages?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, Thank you for kindly answering my question on data. No doubt you are aware of Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity Theory. The deflationary impact of technological change, nanotechnology, quantum computers, etc etc seems to be accelerating exponentially. This must be causing a crushing impact on historical cycles. Can your model realistically […]

Alistair Cooke – Prophet or Historian?

Alistair Cooke was a great historian. He saw cycles also within history. This is a short clip from 1973 explaining that indeed it is the same cycle over and over again.

Is it Alive?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you are probably the first pioneer in AI. My professor at … mentioned you often. My question is straight forward. Do you believe your system has evolved along the same path as the human mind and if so can it achieve self-awareness and perhaps consciousness? ANSWER: I take it the sudden rush […]

China – A new Era

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is becoming very obvious who China is listening to. You said China should bypass the NY banks and go directly to the Treasury. They did. They used QE to shorten their US debt holdings. They did. Now on Friday they have relaxed the one-child rule as you said they had to […]

Swiss Looking to Limit Executive Pay

The Swiss are known for their frugality. When it comes to executive pay, they are voting on executive pay being limited to 12 times that of the lowest paid employee. This will be a first step in this direction as a matter of law. It reflects the rising tide of socialism as we enter the […]