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Trump’s Drain the Swamp Trump’s Latest Message Drain the “Swamp” He Calls Washington. This is why the Republican elite stand for Hillary. Term limits and ending lobbying by former government staff would cut too deep into their pockets.

Clinton Staffer Hands Questions to Andrea Mitchell

This video shows a Clinton staff member texting NBC’s Andrea Mitchell a question to ask Hillary. The press no longer reports the news — they are part of the news.

Are We Still Suffering from 2007-2009 Crash or is There Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a very basic question. With all the trillions of dollars of stimulus in Europe, USA, and Japan, we are in the age of deflation as you have pointed out. The Federal Reserve itself predicts less than 2% economic growth so that is probably optimistic yet the best in the western […]

DNC Caught Creating Violence at Trump Rallies Megyn Kelly grilled Donna Brazile on the recently released videos that show the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hiring people to create violence at Trump rallies in an effort to discredit Trump supporters. American political activist James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, released the undercover tapes entitled “Rigging the Election” to expose the corruption behind […]

Buckle Up for the Biggest Tax Increase in American History

Buckle up, because a Hillary victory will be devastating to the economy for taxes are going to rise SUBSTANTIALLY. We are looking at major changes coming in inheritance taxes and of course when Hillary says she will increase taxes for social security and payroll, notice she says the “rich” revealing her core socialist belief that […]

The Winds of War are Blowing

Capital flows are intensifying. This is why oil is up, gold is up, euro down, US share markets up. Things are shifting quietly. Norway reports that Russian ships are on their way to Syria. Obama may get his wish all before the election in hopes of boosting Hillary.

Trump’s Proposals for Ethics Reform

Trump’s “Ethics Reform” is one of the major reasons the elite Republican support Hillary. Besides banning members and staff from becoming lobbyists for 5 years, Trump has added to that list TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS! In other words, he is proposing the END of career politicians. This, along with his promise to repeal Obamacare, which […]

The Cycle of Civil Unrest & Martial Law

All agencies are quietly being armed just in case there may be civil unrest which arises by rigging the election to defeat Donald Trump. Even Ben Carson has come out and explained why Trump beat everyone in the Republican field: “the people themselves have just gotten disgusted with being manipulated and controlled”. There is no question that […]

Empire Strikes Back – US Shuts Down RT in London & Wikileaks

UK Nat West Bank has seized all bank accounts of Russia Today (RT) to end their broadcasting, according to its editor-in-chief- Margarita Simonyan who took to Twitter to announce: “They’ve closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. ‘The decision is not subject to review.’ Praise be to the freedom of speech!” RT says that […]

Did the ECM Pick the Date of the War in Syria?

  When Russia invaded Syria on the very day of the Economic Confidence Model, it signaled that Syria would be a focal point of this wave. Clearly, 2015.75 was the peak in government and we can see this from the rise of Trump and the anti-establishment vote that has produced perhaps the most insane political election in […]