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Life & How it Evolves

QUESTION: Martin; What was the tipping point in your investing infancy that flung you to believe you could invest for others? If so can you tell us the trade? And did you mortgage your house for it? For it appears that the best in the business made it on their own first. Apprehensive at this […]

Market Talk – August 26, 2019

ASIA: Over the weekend, the Hong Kong protests began to turn violent with the police stating 100 rioters were armed with weapons. Police fired a live warning shot at a protesting crowd as well as using water cannons to disburse the crowds. Overall, 86 people were arrested including one twelve-year-old. It was said that around […]

The Bond Bubble & the WEC

QUESTION: Marty, you have said this is the historic bond bubble of all times with interest rates at a 5,000 year low. Will you elaborate on the bond bubble at the WEC? It seems like this may be the granddaddy of all shorts. RK ANSWER: We have an Institutional Report on the Bond Bubble. We […]

What to Expect at the 2019 WEC This Year

Orlando World Economic Conference attendees will receive a number of never before published works by Martin Armstrong. Click below for details.

Market Talk – August 21, 2019

ASIA: China announced that they will be looking into placing sanctions on any US company involved in the proposed US-Taiwan sale of F-16 fighter jets. The US approved of an 8 billion USD transaction of 66 aircrafts. Twitter and Facebook have apparently shut down Chinese state-owned accounts that were trying to downgrade the Hong Kong […]

Market Talk – August 14, 2019

ASIA: China has described the Hong Kong protests as “terrorism” as clashes with police broke out after a few days of peaceful protests. All eyes are on the Chinese government on how they are going to deal with the ongoing situation in Hong Kong. US President Trump commented, “We’ll see what happens. But I’m sure it’ll […]

Epstein His Connection to “The Club” of Manipulators

Ghislaine Maxwell was more than the alleged protector and procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein as well as his girlfriend based upon allegations. However, she is also the daughter of Robert Maxwell who I believe was a member of “The Club.” Interestingly, Maxwell’s protege was also William Browder who loves to run around claiming […]

Gold & Dollar Rising Together?

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done an amazing job forecasting gold all by itself. What I find stunning is gold is rising but so is the dollar. This once again points out that all this gold analysis that it will soar because the dollar is fiat and will go to zero seems really absurd. You have […]

The Next Lehman Moment – Threat to the Global Economy the Fed Responded to

I am overseas as a crisis is brewing which many might rename the “Lehman Moment” to something more up to date. Clearly, the stakes are far higher to the world economy than anyone may truly appreciate. We are cascading toward a perfect financial storm. However, this particular storm is exacerbated by the politics of Europe […]

Market Talk – July 30, 2019

ASIA: President Trump criticized China, this time complaining that China has not been buying more US agricultural products as it promised to do. Today, the US and China have resumed talks although no outcome has been presented. The Bank of Japan kept its ultra-low interest rates unchanged, maintaining its short-term interest rate target at -0.1%. […]