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Lagarde’s IMF should be Outlawed – the Real Terrorist Organization

How does a lawyer get in charge of an economic institution? Easy – another lawyer appoints her. Lagarde, Obama’s crony, should be stripped of her position and the IMF should be shut down. Lagarde’s IMF is now demanding that Ukraine must hold on to the Eastern provinces of Ukraine or this insane woman has dictated that […]

Ukraine – The US & Russia Propaganda

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for defending the people of Ukraine against those who claim we are just manipulated by the CIA. These people have no understanding of what we have gone through and for what so many have died for. You have been truly an inspiration to our desire to be free. […]

US Share Market Update

  The Dow Jones Industrials have in no way made a major all-time high despite all the prognostications of a major crash. As stated at the World Economic Conference, yes we see a correction near-term with volatility starting to rise in June into next January. The oscillator is at the top and is starting to […]

China & Russia Joining Forces Against USA

China has announced on Wednesday that it would conduct joint naval drills with Russia in the East China Sea off Shanghai in late May. I have stated bluntly, Obama’s Administration has been the worst we have seen certainly in my lifetime. He has torn apart the world and is more concerned about using US power […]

Are we Headed into Global Fascism?

Fascism has been a term applied to the manner of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator/bureaucracy that is unelected or a republic with pretend “lifetime” politicians,  controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Such systems have always placed the […]

How far in the future does your computer model project?

QUESTION: How far in the future does your computer model project? ANSWER: One of the fascinating aspects about modeling the world economy is you rapidly discover that the complexity is enormous, yet the outcome is far more predictable Long-Term than Short-Term. This may seem illogical at first, but once you comprehend the dynamics of the system […]

US Share Market

  We can see from the daily chart in the Dow Jones Industrial Index that there is a rather flat topping pattern. This suggests that we should see new highs and that in no way has this been a nice clean isolated high that would signal the collapse of the markets as so many keep […]

US & German Involvement in Ukraine

COMMENT: Hi! You know you are brilliant and grasp many aspects correctly, well ahead of the curve. What’s more you stand by your conviction openly and that’s commendable. I recommended some of your latest short articles on Ukraine, but I would like to turn your attention to the different shades of pale there. You are right […]

Hylton v. United States – 3 U.S. 171 (1796)

Hylton v. United States – 3 U.S. 171 (1796) Case U.S. Supreme Court Hylton v. United States, 3 U.S. 3 Dall. 171 171 (1796) Hylton v. United States 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) 171 ERROR TO THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA Syllabus February Term, 1796 On the 4th of February, a commission, bearing […]

Russia has Invaded the East – Donetsk Pro-Ukrainian March will be in few Hours

  Separatists are old ladies with flags – troops are dressed in military gear regardless if you take the identification off. The West has abandoned Ukraine demonstrating that when it really is about protecting people, they back-down. When it is about the oppression of a government like Iraq and Syria, they US is ready to […]