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HSBC Perhaps the Worst Offender of Depositor Rights?

HSBC is the bank that has been caught laundering money. It was accused of transferring billions of dollars for nations like Iran and also facilitated Mexican drug cartels in moving money illegally through its American subsidiaries. When a bank gets nailed like that and pays $1.92 billion in fines, the lawyers come in and run the […]

The New Age of Virtual Protectionism & the US Virtual Oligarchy

McDonald’s has announced it has closed its stores in Crimea, given that prominent Moscow politicians are calling for all the expulsion of U.S. fast food chain outlets from Russia. There is a call to close all 400 stores of McDonald’s in Russia. This is demonstrating that not merely is the Cold War back, we are looking […]

Influence v Discovery

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I was at that London Conference when you forecast that Russia would collapse in a matter of weeks based upon your model showing $100 billion inflow but $150 billion outflow. Whilst the heads of the major money center banks always assumed you were just too influential, for I worked in …. at […]

China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

Rising threat of International War

  Russia conducted military exercises on borders with Latvia and Estonia. Putin believes that landmass is the nation’s greatness – not its economic ability. This is very old school and it seems to be everyone is trying to be the next Roman Empire. The problem is, Rome built roads, economies, and turned the lands it had […]

Putin Beefing Up Syria – Still with Eyes on Ukraine

Putin has now more openly beefed-up Syria after Crimea. The West cannot stop Russia and he knows that. Stopping the pipeline through Syria is economically vital to retain Russia’s hold on Europe and the US will start to send gas to Europe in 2015. Syria is all about energy to help Europe – it has […]

Earthquakes & the Ring of Fire Intensifying on Schedule

We have been getting also a lot of emails requesting an update on earthquakes. About 5 hours ago, an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday, generating a tsunami and triggering small landslides. It’s not so much the magnitude-5.1 earthquake that hit California – centered in nearby La Habra with well over […]

The Age of Civil Unrest – Part II

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of emails regarding our model on Civil Unrest and how governments seem to be gearing up in accordance with our models. People are putting two and two together and assuming we are advising most major nations. Just as the NSA is monitoring the world, every intelligence agency from […]

US Corporates All Cashed Up

The numbers are in. U.S. companies (excluding banks) are all cashed up holding more cash on their balance sheets than ever in history – some $1.64 trillion at the end of 2013. That is up 12% over 2012. If history repeats, they will start to buy their own shares back when the market turns down. So much […]

Rigging Markets & Michael Lewis

Just to set the record straight, markets can be rigged insofar as when banks act as brokers and keep track of client positions and trade against them. That is standard operational procedure despite Goldman’s denials. That has been going on for decades. There was the typical running of stops by floor brokers. This systemic market […]