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US Share Market & high-frequency trading

The US Share Market is like that Pink Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going. The talking heads keep talking to themselves and remain clueless since this is not economically driven from the standpoint of a booming economy. Rather. the economy remains the strongest in the world and we are simply the prettiest of the […]

South Korea

The history of South Korea formally began with its establishment on August 15th, 1948. In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea following Japan’s defeat in 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in accordance with a United Nations arrangement. The North was to be administered by the Soviet Union and the South fell […]

North Korea Fires Artillery Shells in the South As they Return Fire

North Korea fired more than 100 artillery rounds into South Korean waters as part of a military drill on Monday, March 31st. The South returned the fire. The North is more-likely-than-not going to engage the South after 2015.75. When the economy turns down, the saber-rattling may turn into actual confrontation. The North will need its […]

Is Obama just Outclassed by Putin?

It seems that Obama is living in a world of prejudice and cannot understand that his own actions are inconsistent with his arguments making his opponent stronger not weaker. Obama will continue to escalate for he is just outclassed by Putin. Obama is becoming the evil empire and Putin the great defender. Obama is the […]

The Age of Civil Unrest

All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War. Both of these models converge and as I pointed out at the Cycles of War Conference, this is the first time we have seen […]

Putin Exposes West’s Hypocrisy

The stupid argument that Crimea has no right to split from Ukraine to justify sanctions against Russia are really brain-dead. Putin has shown the West’s bombing in Yugoslavia in 1999 to demonstrate that nations split and by force when it serves the purpose of the US and Europe. On this score, he is absolutely correct. […]

Obama & Lagarde – Destroying the World Economy- A Lethal Combination

Christine Lagarde is a french lawyer who became chairman of the Chicago firm Baker & McKenzie. Obama endorsed Lagarde ahead of the vote claiming a woman would be proper after  Dominique Strauss-Kahn, had to resign after being charged with attempted rape in New York. However, the maid was found to be anything but credible and there is […]

The Real Conspiracy – The IMF Tax Agenda

While people keep yelling about banks and secret societies, there is a real conspiracy going on that they cannot see right before their eyes. The culprit is not these private groups, but government. Obama is on board fully with the IMF agenda to raise taxes substantially French style. The IMF has been behind the scenes […]

NSA’s Mystic Program – the Bug Stops Exactly Where?

credit DonkeyHotey/Flickr (has gone viral) The NSA is beyond control. They just do as they like and it is someone else’ burden to prove what they are doing is illegal. Obama has no support against Russia because he has pissed off just about every country around. His Mystic NSA Program can record every single phone […]

Gold Bouncing off the 1390-1400 barrier

So far, gold has been unable to get through the first primary resistance 1390-1400 barrier. We pressed higher into this week making the high but then turned back down. Now the two levels forming are 1323 and 1425. A weekly closing back below 1308.00 will signal a resumption of the downtrend. Major monthly resistance stands […]