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Deflation Still in Europe

  The Euro is still pressing higher against the dollar on deflation. The geopolitical risks have not yet kicked in and may not until after June. The European Central Bank’s (ECB) decision to leave monetary policy unchanged demonstrates it is not worried about inflation nor do they realize the broader impact of a strong euro on […]

Monetary History of Ukraine

About 1500 BC nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of Ukraine. One of them was the Cimmerians (9th-8th–century BC), which are mentioned in written sources. Scythians, Iranian-speaking people from Central Asia, in the 7th century BC pushed the Cimmerians from the Ukrainian steppes. Around the same period, the Greeks began to establish the first colonies […]

The Corporate Buy-Back Trend – Right on Cue

History repeats not merely because human emotions never change, it seems we end up with the same decision process that leads to the same trends. People just love raining on the current parade as stocks rally when they missed the entire boat to begin with. The bearishness with the new highs in the S&P 500 […]

Is Obama Just Insane?

I have dealt with many governments in my life and I have come to understand you CANNOT and SHOULD NEVER put your opponent in a box publicly for his own political livelihood is then on the line and he MUST respond or be overthrown. This is simple common sense in international politics and I have […]

China’s Exports Collapse by 18.1%

I have warned that China’s exports were an illusion and that there was a huge carry trade borrowing dollars in Hong Kong at 1% and depositing the money in China getting 6%. But trade tracks money, not goods, so the illusion that China was still expanding was a good one – but still just an […]

Cost of Government in USA

Government Statistics When we look at the economics or government, we have to sort through the games to even get close to reality. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, government accounts for about 8% of jobs in the United States. Here is their breakdown using numbers easily accessible on the BLS website going into the peak […]

Ukraine – Not Over Yet

  The propaganda never stops from both sides and to get at the truth just reading the press is next to impossible. The Russians keep touting this was a US plot, and the US keeps trying to wiggle into the situation but the GRASS-ROOTS people do not leave for they are pissed-off at government in […]

Obama uses the Same Nonsense as Putin

We are still awaiting panic cycles at the end of the month so this is not over until the fat lady sings as they say, albeit we do not expect military action between any major powers before the October/November time period. For Obama to claim that a public vote in Crimea would violate the Constitution […]

US Share Market

We seem to have achieved the February low and the S&P 500 is starting to take the lead from the Dow. This is reflecting the broadening of the markets as more capital is starting to move into the market for economic and geopolitical reasons. February saw an outside reversal to the upside and we may […]

Ukraine – the Truth

I seem to be well read around the globe. If there is one position I am consistent on is that I have NEVER met with any government that is honest or for the people regardless of its declared stance – it is always about their own self-interest. Governments, of every variety, are only interested in […]