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Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk everything the world has worked for since World War II. The Democrats are on board with the Neocons. The only way they can continue this insane agenda as we […]

Kerry – WEF – First Movers Coalition

John Kerry declared that America would adhere to the Power Past Coal Alliance and partner with 56 other nations in eliminating coal power. Kerry committed $3 billion to the cause which should come as no surprise since Kerry collaborated with the World Economic Forum to launch the First Movers Coalition (FMC) back at the COP26. […]

Abuse of Law

QUESTION: Is it true that Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus, and when the Supreme Court ruled against him, he just ignored them? Didn’t this also undermine the rule of law to where we stand today? WG ANSWER: Sadly, yes, you heard correctly. At the time, Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that President Lincoln […]

Dimon: Working Class Should Support Neocons

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon believes Americans should be upset about their economic status, and does not understand why there is not more outrage. The billionaire in charge of the nation’s largest bank believes that electing Donald Trump in 2024 would be the worst financial decision for the working class. Why? Well, Trump has made […]

The Hypocritical Financial Markets

  QUESTION: I was told I should not listen to you because you manipulated the world economy with the bankers, and you were an adviser to BCCI and managed money for Saddam Hussein and Qadaffi. When I asked if you manipulated the world economy, then why invest against you? There was no reply. I watched […]

US DC Court of Appeals Just Destroyed America

The legal system is clearly trying to absolutely destroy Donald Trump for simply going to Washington to “Drain the Swamp,” which he discovered included both sides. We now have a ruling that is so BIASED against Trump that it has now effectively removed all immunity for anyone in Congress and even prosecutors. All you need […]

Why Our Legal System is Collapsing

QUESTION: Your curiosity has traveled down so many paths, and you are quite unique in your diverse knowledge and experience. I am curious myself about your comment that our legal system has crumbled. As a legal scholar among your many talents, you mentioned that we should have taken the advice of Ben Franklin in creating […]

Data Analytical Services (DAS) – Hemisphere Project Expanded – Government Surveillance

Snowden and others warned us. The US government has been spying on citizens at the federal, state, and local levels. Telecommunications company AT&T partnered with Data Analytical Services (DAS) to provide them with our digital footprints. The government is targeting everyone under the assumption that every American is a criminal. They speak of the Stasi […]

The Shift to the Middle is Coming

All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years have I ever witnessed the mainstream media so FAR LEFT that they are destroying the very foundation of civilization, and they do not care. The […]

Who is Trying to Kill RFK Jr?

Someone is attempting to eliminate the competition. The mainstream media has failed to properly cover the repeated assassination attempts against Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which are a direct threat to our already corrupt election process. RFK Jr. has been pleading with the government to provide him security to no avail. As I said, he knows […]