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Devastating Floods May be the Beginning

  The climate activists come out with every disaster and blame climate change. The brush fires in Australia were climate change yet termite hills were taller than a truck for they have evolved to withstand natural brush fires. The collapse of the condos in Florida was immediately claimed to be caused by rising sea levels […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]

The Election Audits Fulfilling the Model Forecasts?

Many people have written in about the ongoing audits of the 2020 election, which seem to be spreading from state to state. I believe Roman has done a fair unbiased review of Arizona on Epoch TV. We are witnessing forensic audits now also in Pennsylvania. There are calls for audits now even in Wisconsin. I […]

We Can Win if we Understand the Game Plan

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have posted your model and warned that we are entering a period where totalitarianism is the objective into 2032. Can you explain perhaps in more detail what that means? Thank you for your courage in these times WH ANSWER: While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no […]

Lost City Discovered & a Tablet That Changes History

Perhaps it is appropriate that by the end of this month we will have another Indiana Jones movie – the fifth and probably the last. Archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old lost city that some have thought was just legend. This is the largest city ever discovered called “The Rise of Aten,” which was unearthed by […]

Timeline of COVID Proves it was a Deliberate Leak?

Fauci really has to explain what is going on, but the Biden Administration will NEVER question Fauci nor fire him. He is their key to pretending they care about the people. The novel coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Interestingly, Moderna, together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), […]

Market Talk – July 14, 2021

ASIA: China’s central bank cut the amount of cash most banks must hold in reserve. The People’s Bank of China will reduce the reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 of a percentage point for most banks, according to a statement published Friday. That will unleash about 1 trillion yuan ($154 billion) of long-term liquidity into the […]

Inflation On Track into 2024

COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You have forecast long ago that the deflation would end in 2020 and that this wave would be inflationary with shortages in commodities. If the world simply […]

Wells Fargo – Banking Crisis?

  It has begun. Wells Fargo has told all its customers that it is shuttering down ALL personal lines of credit. The bank has made it clear that it is shutting down ALL existing personal lines of credit and it will no longer offer such products. That includes revolving credit lines, which typically let users […]

New Release: “Manipulating the World Economy”

The latest book by Martin A. Armstrong is now available for purchase.