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Gold & Euro & Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; You said gold was still vulnerable in dollars but that the low was probably in place in Euros. I have been trying to reconcile that statement in my mind. The only way that happens is a real crisis in Europe and a strong dollar. Correct? It seems really naive that people get bullish […]

The Coming Central Bank Crisis

  I have warned that whenever a government creates a solution to any crisis, that solution becomes the next crisis. This is what I have called the Paradox of Solution.The unfolding of the exit of the central banks from the Quantitative Easing monetary policy will become a much more serious threat to the financial markets than […]

IMF Proposed a Capital Levy – Tax on Money in Bank Accounts & Raise Property Taxes

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is always the cheerleader to raise taxes to support government. They are instructing Germany to raise taxes and also talking about just imposing a 10% tax on all money that deposits in banks throughout Europe. Yes – you read that one correctly. The IMF has told Germany it should raise […]

Materials For Hong Kong WEC 2017

Attendees are receiving the 2017 Cycle of War complementary and a Special Report – Gold-Guns-War, which is the most authoritative study ever undertaken to trace how gold performs in international and civil wars trace its movement through many different types of affairs. This is a report we will make available to the general public after […]

Healthcare Still a Mess

QUESTION:  I read the Obamacare repeal blog. I agree with the tax part. But removing pre existing conditions and most of the coverage protections when majority of families in US is one disaster away from bankruptcy and dying without coverage. is that right? Thanks T ANSWER: No. There was a very simple solution. The healthcare […]

Trump’s Tax Survey – Already Predetermined

In order to achieve the American Dream, Americans must be able to keep more money in their pockets and increase after-tax wages. We must work to simplify the tax code by reducing the number of income brackets. Income Taxes are no longer necessary when money is not tangible. See solution on YouTube We must discourage […]

US to Review Visa Waivers for the EU

The United States is now reviewing the Visa Waiver Program for the European Union. The entire problem has been the porous borders of Europe created by Merkel’s unilateral decision to accept refugees which was NEVER put to a vote for all of Europe. Brussels has simply been dictated by Merkel. Then, she imposed her unilateral […]


QUESTION: Wasn’t Andrew Jackson impeached or they began impeachment proceedings because he moved all funds from the Bank of the United States to his pet banks? Do you think they can impeach Trump as they keep yelling about? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson drew a censure resolution from the Senate over his actions in opposition to the Second […]

Freedom Caucus & Big Bang

I have been warning that we are headed directly into the collapse of socialism; not capitalism, simply because politicians have been bribing people’s votes with all sorts of promises they never planned on providing. Social Security may have began as a good idea, but then the money was really just a tax and the fund […]

Why Less than 10% Make Change Happen

COMMENT: Good day Martin I thoroughly enjoyed your video on the solution and took you up on creating a debate. Thank you for your work. I live in Canada. I have a small investment group; only five of us ….however, I invited collectively through the members another 10 people for a Friday night get together which […]