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European Bank Failure & Conflicts in Law in US Branches

QUESTION: Hi Marty – Thank you for the insight you provide as regards how the world really works. Spending 10 minutes reading your daily blog is equivalent to hours of reading the MSM propaganda and trying to discern the truth. My question to you is in response to your 10/2/19 post >> Liquidity Crisis & […]

Hong Kong & the Continuing Protests

There is no question that the rioting in Hong Kong has been violent as protesters even set cars on fire. Business is very concerned for as this continues, it does threaten the shift of the financial hub to Singapore. We have clients on every side of this issue over here as we have three offices […]

Staying Liquid May Be the Best Bet

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. I hope that you will please give me some advice on the following topics. Sorry for the grammar. I live in Denmark and have been saving up some money that I want to invest. My options are: – buying a house and rent it out (I have 1/5 in cash and […]

We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?

  QUESTION: Do you think AOC and her cohorts are using your ECM for their 12-year forecast? Add 12 years to 2020 and you come to 2032! PH ANSWER: You know, I never looked at that. Interesting perspective. We have a lot of problems, but climate change that is caused by humans is not on […]

Thucydides Trap & War Between China & USA

QUESTION: What do you make of Trump’s proposal to restrict US investment in China? Will this send the US economy into recession as everyone is saying? DH ANSWER: I have never seen the press so anti-president in the history of this nation. Every possible thing they claim will destroy the US economy. The US trade […]

Japan’s Monetary System is a Warning to Modern Society

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My friend who retired from the Bank of Japan told me you had recreated the monetary system of Japan and that was how you could predict the yen would go below par back in 1995 and again in 2011. Could you please publish the chart on the yen showing the full monetary […]

Abusing Children to Sell and Agenda

QUESTION #1: Hi Martin! What are your thought´s about Greta Thunberg, the klimat prophet from Sweden, now out on a US tour preaching about our near mass extermination? //Robert QUESTION #2: Hi Martin. I watched the news in stunned silence last night as a16 year old ragged at me, accused me and others of my […]

Playing with the Facts to Fool the Majority

QUESTION: What do you say about the difference between corporate socialism and democratic socialism. Thank you. Its all the buzz among those supporting Senator Elizabeth Warren. LP ANSWER: This is a very clever way of excusing the core issue. The Democrats preach raising taxes and then sell loopholes to the big corporations. The bankers donated […]

Bernie Doubles Warren’s Wealth Tax to Win Votes

The war on eradicating the rich is fully on. Bernie Sanders realizes that Elizabeth Warren is rising in the polls among liberal Democrats, and Bernie knows how politics works. “Vote for me and I will rob other people for you.” They are competing now on how high they could raise taxes for the rich. Warren’s […]

The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

To me, all this propaganda that humans are responsible for climate change implies that somehow the climate is static and would not be changing but for human activity. This may make great headlines and inspire youth to create strikes and march upon the institutions of capitalism demanding their closure. However, any unbiased review of history […]