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China to Support Syria Along with Russia Against USA

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You said that China would eventually send troops to the Middle East and join with Russia in Syria. China just openly told that to the newspapers. Your contacts behind the curtain are quite amazing. BH  REPLY: Qi Qianjin was appointed the ambassador to Syria back in 2016. You are correct, on August 1st, 2018, […]

When Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?

I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted Putin for interfering in the US election. He said, “There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the […]

The 6 Month Rule on Passports

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, I look to help others as you do. My wife turned 60 in June and we planned a trip to Milan and Lake Como on June 30.  We arrived at the airport in Nashville yesterday, checked in, printed our boarding passes and tagged our luggage, then presented our tagged luggage to the AA […]

War is Coming Because We Need It?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it amazing that you were the only analyst I found who consistently called the bull market in the Dow until January. You have forecast even weather. You have so many correct forecasts there is nobody who even comes close. Then there is your War Cycle that turned up in 2014. […]

Mexico & the 112 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Martin As usual, I have no words to thank the sincere and incomparable work that you did for us, and almost for free. People like you should be a reference for future generations. You really are a Punk, in the best sense of the word [anti-autoritaritharism, DIY, direct action..]. I’m writing you because the […]

Left v Right – Why the Western Society is Really Collapsing

    QUESTION: Hi Marty, we just saw the German elections play out. For Germany, this is a huge move to the left – at least in government. They also say that Europe will be strongly supported. I guess that means shoveling money to Brussels and raising it via more and more taxes. Now, I researched […]


Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2023 World War Zee: Maria Zeee – Martin Armstrong – Interview with Maria Zeee (10/27/23) World War […]

Erdoğan Wants to Revise the Treaty of Lausanne

The War Cycle is in full swing upward since 2014. We have witnessed the invasion of Ukraine, the invasion of Syria, Rocketman in North Korea, and numerous civil uprisings. However, the war also comes with sharply declining economies as political leaders need to point the finger outside their domestic rule to distract their people. The Turkish […]

Corruption is Pervasive & Standard Operating Procedure

COMMENT: I read your post on Trump, Jr. and it does appear obvious that there is no investigation into the whole Maginsky Act and why are Trump Jr.’s lawyers not exposing this more? It seems that corruption only really exists when it always involves government. KA ANSWER: Corruption is a huge problem in all governments […]

Crimea & Carving up the World

COMMENT: Dear Marty You mention that Crimea was taken by Russia. However, this is just the MSM view. The West is accused of fermenting the problem in Ukraine which precipitated this. The people voted in a referendum with 31 international observers, 95% to reunify with Russia where they had belonged since 1783. Why does the West not recognize the referendum?? […]