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Putin Orders Troops Back to Bases – Why? Is Yanukovych Dead?

Mr Putin said he had ordered his troops on military exercises near the border between western Russia and Ukraine to return to bases after completing all of their tasks. There remains a serious question if Yanukovych is alive or dead. Putin has stated: “After he came to Russia, I saw him once, that was literally two […]

Yanukovych is Dead & the BANDERIVTSI

  The rumors that Yanukovch has died are being denied by Russia. However, neither side has produced any proof. It would be now simple for Yanukovch to step to the camera and proudly claim his throne as the Czar of Ukraine under the fake election to pretend the whole of Ukrainian people voted for this […]

The Most Dangerous Man in Western Europe?

Everyone who knows me, knows I was very fond of Margaret Thatcher. We had some very deep conversations that revealed her true character and wisdom. She knew her history and that is one common bond we had. I loved how she would say “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something […]

Corruption & the Rich

There is little doubt that organizations have manipulated markets and even government. The higher you raise taxes, the higher the level of corruption. This is why I say that we should eliminate career politicians and the people should oversee the bureaucracy and all terms are one-time only for 1 year. There should be ONLY career […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]

West is Impudent – This is like the Fall of Rome

Obama has spoken harsh words threatening there will be “costs” to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but these “costs” will simply be economic sanctions that will further the new Cold War. Putin asked the Russian upper house legislature for “permission” to invade and of course they granted that hands down. The barbarians tried for decades […]

Russia Invades Ukraine

Now in the Eastern parts of Ukraine even 600km northeast of Crimea than has had all its communications cut off, Ukrainian flags are torn down and Russian flags are now starting to appear. One various social networks, there have been open cries for more Russians to appear in the East of Ukraine to provide justification […]

Ukraine – Crimea Occuppied – Yanukovych Still Mentally in his Disneyland

Crimea has been severed and all roads into the region are now blocked. Pro-Russians seized the government and troops are pretending to be Ukrainian. Yanukovych made a press conference thanking Russia for his protection claiming he is still the President and any laws passed by the Ukrainian Parliament are not valid because he did not […]

The Gold Question – Luck v Fate

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I’m a long time reader and great admirer of your efforts.  I recently read an analysts opinion on inflation that I want to share with you. This analyst maintains that the Fed’s actions to stimulate the economy has done nothing more than fill the pockets of the very bankers that caused the economic […]

Assassination – tool of Revolution – The Contagion of the 19th Century – Are We in for a New Contagion?

A number of people have asked what was this Marxist Anarchist movement inspired by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and are we seeing this rise again? The very idea of assassinating leaders such as President Lincoln and President McKinley was part of an international trend that began during the 19th century and was based upon the theory that […]