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Ukraine Mercenaries Attack Protesters Killing at Least 5

Ukrainian riot police who are basically mercenaries attacked the protesters and at least 5 are dead. The 12-week-old protests against President Viktor Yanukovich are coming to an end as the ruthless Yanukovich demonstrates to the world he will kill his own people to retain power. There is no democratic Ukraine. The attack came after Moscow […]

Global Warming & Snow Everywhere – Proof now of Global Warming? They Never Heard about Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Sir, Living in Switzerland and being aware of the little ice age that extended the local glaciers to significantly lower elevations, I was curious to look into the research of  Baliunas. As a citizen of Australia I was gobsmacked to read in the opening pages of this research that links considerably cold weather in […]

Thailand – Crisis on Confidence Leads to Bank Crisis

The crisis in Thailand continues to expand. There has been a run of the banks and now the state-owned Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) halted the planned borrowing from the Government Savings Bank (GSB) to pay for the rice pledging scheme for the farmers until the Finance Ministry clarifies the legality of such loans. […]

Historical Turning Points Economic Confidence Model 6000BC – 2072AD

Historical Turning Points on the Economic Confidence Model (6000 BC – 2072 AD)   Historical ECM Turning Points – PDF File        Wave    (#) 8.6 PI 2.15 940 2063.05 2065.2 2066.275 2067.35 2068.425 2069.5 2070.129 2070.495 2071.65 939 2054.45 2056.6 2057.675 2058.75 2059.825 2060.9 2061.529 2061.895 2063.05 938 2045.85 2048 2049.075 2050.15 […]

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

Matt Taibbi is back exposing the deal they snuck under the table for HSBC who got caught money laundering for drug dealers and terrorists. The bankers have been getting away with unbelievable fraud because they have been blackmailing government arguing who will sell their debt if they go down. The days of these bankers are really […]

Global Warming Why it is Nonsense

A few people have written to say I have a closed mind with respect to the impact humans can have on the environment. I dare say flip the coin – you are assuming we have the capacity to alter the planet as if we were God. I have investigated this very carefully. Like markets, yes […]

Tis the Season for War

Tis the season for war and tensions continue to rise on every possible front. I have received so many questions as to how can our Cycle of War be so accurate. This is not a single dimension analysis. It is not my personal opinion. I am not a talking head to fill air time with […]

Global Warming & Random Walk Theory Have a Lot in Common – They are Both Nuts

Global Warming is clearly a bunch of hot air. It seems to be a theory made up by a bunch of guys that got drunk one night and said – Hey man! It is warmer this season than last! Wow! We must have caused that man! Word! This is the coldest year day after day on […]

The Other Side of Uprisings – Religion

The issue of Russia’s anti-gay policies has been a hot topic for the Olympics. However, this masks the underlying issue. This is not some personal issue of Putin. There is also a rising tide against liberalism. The right-wing even in Ukraine want 7 years in prison for a girl who gets an abortion and the […]

The Debt Ceiling – Non-Issue

Behind the Curtain China and others warned the US that if it played games with the debt, it would be the last the US would be able to sell its debt to foreign lands. This is also why Obama announced tax-free long-term bonds for Americans to bring the debt home. This is why there is […]