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The Economics of War

A number of people have written with the same question – why does war come into play now? The answer is very simple. One of the benefits of establishing the most comprehensive databases that extends back thousands of years is the fact you can run studies and correlate trends. What jumps out at you from […]

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

The Winds of War – R the Markets Responding?

The markets are starting to align with the Cycle of War and this includes gold. This is a very serious development and it is why I stated previously that gold had reached our minimum objective. At the very least, there is room for a rally if we elect some key Bullish Reversals. Not even the oscillators […]

Corruption in Government is Massive Worldwide

The real cost of corruption runs well into the trillions of dollars when we consider the degree of bribery that even suppresses prosecution of the banks that have abused proprietary trading to undermined the entire world economy. A European report on corruption is out and that puts the cost in Europe at €120 billion, yet the […]

Individual Computer Forecasting for Small Business Itself

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Congratulations and for all the wonderful work your doing. Al the best. I have been following your posts since 2010 and i must admit your take on the world especially the politics of it gives the common man a perspective he never would have from both the mainstream press as well as the CT’s. What i am really […]

Enslaving the Next Generation

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong: I have 2 questions. I’m 31, and like most graduates of graduate schools, I have student loans. 1) What will happen to our generation who seem to be getting more and more stuck in student loan debt, which is backed by the federal government?  Will the government forgive it?  Or will […]

Ukraine – Doomed After the Olympics

According to a former adviser to Vladimir Putin, the economist  Andrei Illarionov, the Kremlin will take one of three possible scenarios with respect to the Ukraine problem. The most dramatic will be the establishment of full control over the whole Ukraine. Within the first half of February, Illarionov states that Russia will begin the total pressure on Ukraine, […]

Canadian Dollar – The Befuddling Paradox

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand you will be speaking in Vancouver tonight. Given the size of the audience, could you at least answer one question about the currency. You said the dollar would decline following gold’s lead. It is true that the currency has declined by more than 10%, but it did not make a […]

The Government of Russia & Ukraine are not the People of Either Country

No matter what country we look at be it Russia, Cuba, China, or North Korean, there is a formidable difference between the PEOPLE and the GOVERNMENT – for there is a distinction and by no means are they one and the same. It is not the Russian people suppressing Ukraine – this is all driven […]

Understanding Intelligence

QUESTIONS: Several questions have asked the same thing. First, for understanding terms, look at out Glossary, Trading Terms, and Monetary Terms. Regarding the Global Market Watch: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch called for a crash in gold when it made a new high and closed higher. The next day it indeed crashed as if […]