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Thailand Anti-Government Corruption

The anti-government protests in Thailand are against corruption. This is the same trend we are seeing in Ukraine and will erupt in Europe, Japan, and then eventually the USA after 2016. The economy has to turn down before you get protests. The downside of these types of protests is when the police benefit from the […]

Angry Birds & NSA

The more revelations that come from the NSA demonstrates that what they are doing has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. It turns out that the NSA & British Intelligence are constructing profiles on everyone right down to their sexual orientation. They are tapping into games like Angry Birds that has been a worldwide sensation. […]

Bank Manipulations Coming to an End?

I have stated for years that the banks are NOT great traders – they are manipulators. You can tell the bias and untrustworthiness of mainstream press for just about every organization criticized Greg Smith’s book – Why I Left Goldman Sachs. Any journalist who dared to support Goldman and diminish what Smith wrote about is […]

The Paradox of the Dollar & the Crash

The dollar haters remain fixated on supply is supposed to determine value with a very myopic view that never considers DEMAND. They simply cannot understand why the dollar has not collapsed and in turn cling to some wild all-powerful conspiracy behind the strength of the dollar. I have stated countless times, the money center banks […]

US Share Market Rout

The rout in the US share market has many talking heads patting themselves on the back. But this is by no means a major high. The Cash SP500 had finally broken out above the Breakout Channel. It is typical to come back and retest it before advancing. The cash closed at 179029 and the channel […]

The Emerging Market Crisis

The fourth quarter real estate in Singapore turned down showing that the whole Emerging Markets did tend to peak out with the ECM last August. This has led to a flight of investors from the once-booming emerging markets sector that is similar to the shift in what we began to see in 1994 that manifested […]

Attorney General say No Bank is Too Big to Indict – Right!

Attorney General Eric Holder claims no bank is too big to indict citing the fines he got from J.P. Morgan, reported by Reuters. But those are fines, not a criminal indictment of the bank that has shut such institutions down. When they actually go after Goldman Sachs then we can perhaps believe him. They are […]

Europe Outlawing Short-Selling – And There Goes Britain?

Cameron loses fight with EU over allowing short-selling. The European politicians think they can prevent a collapse by outlawing short-selling. What these morons fail to grasp is that once a market turns down and confidence vanishes, the ONLY support is short-covering. Without that, you get the 90% declines as was the case during the Great […]

Electronic Money – Coming Everywhere Sooner than you Think

When Larry Summers said interest rates should be negative, he was flying a balloon to see how it was taken. Negative interest rates are coming. When the economy turns down after 2015.75, they cannot lower rates that are already too low, so in their mind, they have to go negative. You will be taxed effectively […]

Ukraine – The Revolution in Full Motion

The violent protests in Ukraine have spread beyond the capital of Kiev. The city appears more like a war zone and we are watching a revolution in action. Make no mistake, this is the arrogance of a political administration that has shown it is willing to killing its own people to retain power. The protesters […]