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Panic 1873

The Silver Democrats came to label this financial crisis the Crime of 1873. Of course, they understood nothing with respect to the global economy and merely assumed that the could do as they desired domestically without any regard to international trends of implications. Up until the year 1873, all the dollars in the world were […]

Panic of 1857

The prelude to the Panic of 1857 was indeed the building of tensions over slavery and states rights as they saw it in the South. Tensions began to build toward the Civil War with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 which said any escaped slaves, upon capture in the North, must be returned […]

What Are we Waiting for in Markets?

At some point we will experience a Cycle Inversion meaning the targets remain the same, but what we get is the opposite event. Why will this INVERT? At some point the THINKING process must flip whereas the FLIGHT to quality has been traditionally people sell private assets and run to government paper. But what happens […]

Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

JP Morgan Fines for Manipulation et al – Reaching $20 Billion

Beginning with February 24th, 2013, the tide has changed against the market manipulators and little by little the curtain is being pulled back to expose to the world what really is going on that the government and the media have ignored for so long. I have stood my ground against the banks that have engaged […]

Divine Design

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Following your your posts has become a favorite hobby of mine.  I just graduated with a degree in economics but it is your work that has led me to the research I am dong now.  Unfortunately I had to approach the physics department to research deterministic chaos.  Regardless, I am so happy you […]

Creating a Natural Hedge

QUESTION: Sir, like many others I was fleeced with the gold as money story and took my losses and moved on, particularly as I ingrained the principles of investing and practise the discipline of day trading – that of obeying the buy/sell signals and not falling in love with the trade. As a resident of Switzerland […]

Workers Barricade Bosses inside Plant in France

The rising tensions are appearing everywhere. In France workers at the Goodyear Plant have barricaded their bosses inside the plant using tires. In Asia, the Baht of Thailand has hit 4 year new lows and the Justice Minister has appeared on TV warning people who intended to participate in a strike being called “Operation Shutdown” […]

The Real Threats of 2014

We are facing 2014 perhaps with blinders on as a society. Western investors have largely ignored the trend in Europe, Japan, and China and are more likely than not going to be dramatically surprised. In Chine, the high in the Shanghai market remains 2007 and new lows are still possible going into 2014. The cash […]

Why Bother with Government? Just the Facts

QUESTION: Marty, I appreciate the efforts you make to keep the average person informed regarding different issues, (economic and others), THAT ARE ALL CONNECTED.   If the heart of the problem is gov’t, which I’d agree, and the vast majority are unwilling to relinquish any power, for what purpose do you make or keep up […]