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Pelosi Gone! AOC is in a tissy! Conservative Democrats Just May Spoil the Party

The polls in Congress show the overwhelming rejection of Pelosi to remain as speaker of the House. Her approval rating among politicians is 31% at best. Even the left-wing Politico is reporting what has been the talk behind the curtain.  I have warned that the Democrats are ripe to split. The Conservative Democrats, who are […]

Now They Censor Anyone Explaining the Great Reset of Schwab

What Is The Great Reset? Explaining the World Economic Forum’s Controversial Initiative. YouTube has censored anything explaining what Agenda 2030 is all about. These individuals are part of the conspiracy to end capitalism, and they are now advocating Communism 3.0 intermixed with Feudalism. First, it was COVID, then Trump; now it is anything that […]

2020 coup d’etat

‘ QUESTION: Martin, I agree with the following historic comments you’ve said over the past few weeks…  This election was the most corrupt in our country’s history.  The establishment is getting away with this fraud because the courts are compromised including SCOTUS.  We will likely never have another fair election. I’ll bet Trump agrees with […]

Why this Manufactured Crisis?

  COMMENTS ON MASKS: Why, when wearing a mask, your oral health could lead to short term memory loss and eventually dementia. By masking the problem we’re just making it a whole lot worse for everybody, one edict at a time. RB   REPLY: The real intent is to keep the people from mounting […]

Austria bucking Trend Against Digital Currency

The Austrian National Bank has started an information campaign to support cash. It remains to be seen whether it is on a collision course with the ECB. There will be rising resistance to this scheme to eliminate paper money and force everyone into a digital currency. I would expect you will see the same resistance rise […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

France Erupts as Law Criminalizes Showing the Face of Police even when Abusing Rights of Citizens

This Communist 3.0 agenda being thrust upon the world by Kaus Schwab and his supporters will lead to major violence and revolutions. Thousands have taken to the streets in France against a new French law that would restrict sharing images of police, only days after the country was shaken by footage showing officers beating and […]

Digital Dollar & Civil War

QUESTION #1:  Hi – Martins blog post on the plan of canceling the currency Jan. 1st 2021 is very disturbing. Could he please clarify if that is indeed the plan and if it includes the USA. It is not entirely clear. Tks C ANSWER #1: The Democrats have been trying desperately to join the World […]

Global Debt approaching $280 Trillion by Year-end.

Global debt is exploding thanks to the deliberate COVID-19 manufactured crisis. It is approaching $280 trillion going into year-end. We should no longer call it even debt because at this point, they are just creating the money and the central banks are buying it. Moreover, there is ABSOLUTELY no intention whatsoever to pay back anything. […]

Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative

This election is unlike anything ever before. The Democrats lied to the people promising they will create jobs without mentioning that they are in league with the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset as is Canada for Agenda 2030 which has to first destroy as many jobs as possible. What the Democrats are doing […]