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Can Cryptocurrencies Survive in an Authoritarian World?

QUESTION: Thanks for all the great information you share. I have a question regarding cryptocurrencies. Do you think all countries will try to abolish crypto or only certain countries (such as the US) in favor of a central bank digital currency? As of now, many countries appear much more accepting of crypto than the US. […]

Will They Shut Down Gold & Cryptocurrencies with CBDC?

  There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO intention of ever paying off the debt. They are running out of buyers. Attacking Russia and China has divided the world economy, which may be the Neocons’ […]

Market Talk – July 11, 2023

ASIA:   Walt Disney is considering various strategic options for its Star India business, such as a joint venture or a sale, according to sources familiar with the matter. The company has engaged in discussions with at least one bank to explore opportunities for growth and cost-sharing for the India business. However, the talks are […]

The Rule of Law – BEWARE Crypto-Lovers

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think it might be helpful to explain to people that the government can subpoena any third party with regard to cryptocurrencies and they will turn over whatever they have that will incriminate a person. As a lawyer, I have to defend a client who thought Bitcoin was exempt from central banks […]

Welcome to the New Totalitarian One World Government

QUESTION: Marty, You are the only worthwhile analyst. You were alerting us a year ago that the IMF was creating its own digital currency. We have all these people claiming this will kill the dollar just as they proclaimed the euro when that was created. It is also well known that you were called in […]

What Survives the Collapse of a Government’s Currency?

I know a lot of goldbugs hate my guts because I do not constantly only say BUY and I point out that NOT only gold and silver survive the collapse of a currency. I once had a German client who was a multimillionaire back in the 1970s. When the German government collapsed, he was buying […]

Ship of Fools

QUESTION: Do you think that this entire scam with cryptocurrencies that the government will be able to track, do they realize that in war you take down the power grid and all digital currency fails? If the backup system is destroyed, all your digital currency will vanish. Are they this stupid? Is this why they […]

Market Talk – February 6, 2023

ASIA:   The idea of lifting the cryptocurrency ban has started floating in China as a former central bank official has called the country to review its stringent crypto restrictions. Huang Yiping, a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the People’s Bank of China (PBoC), believes that the Chinese government should think again […]

Gold v Digital Fiat & Marxism

QUESTION: Hi AE…so gov’t “money” (fiat currency) will become just some abstract floating measurement of value, an electronic entry in an electronic account in the cybersphere. As these various so-called gov’ts become less reliable, even between themselves, do you see the possibility of them simply skipping their phony currencies, & trading directly in gold. Russia […]

Swift Ends Cryptocurrency Access to Global Marketplace

SWIFT will no longer process currency transactions from bank accounts to crypto exchange, with a value of fewer than 100,000 USD, effective February 1st, 2023. The move is designed to reduce the access of crypto investors which is a step toward what I have been warning that governments will NOT allow private cryptos to compete. […]