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Fractional Banking v Bond Market

COMMENT: Marty, I found your take on matching lenders and borrowers precisely on point. Whilst it sounds innovative, that is precisely what blew up with the mortgage backed securities. The New York bankers took long-term and sold it to many banks in Europe and to insurance funds. That was matching the terms. Even Iceland’s proposal to shift […]

End of Bonds Rise in Rates – A New Type of Inflation

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First I would like to congratulate you on your excellent analysis and market views. I am a bond portfolio manager for 25 years and I can only be shocked by current interest rates, specially in Europe. I have recently cut my long exposure to Bunds and everyone says it’s crazy to be […]

Shifts in Liquidity – Indicative of Deflation & Bond Bubble?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Interesting read on the London traders post today. I’ve always traded from home primarily in mid cap equities. This last year has seen the steady decline of liquidity in small and mid cap stocks as people seriously start to question which company’s will survive and which won’t. The blue chips are liquid […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]

This Market Will Begin When Gentlemen Prefer Stocks to Bonds

QUESTION: “You do not see the stock market peak with the bottom in rates. That has NEVER happened even once”. So the new highs in the global stock markets are not due to the zero or negative interest rates and these are not the peaks, yet? The peaks will happen when rates rise (bonds collapse) and money flows […]

Beware the Turning Point for Bonds – 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty Hi I attended your conference in Berlin which was a great insight into your works. However it still took me time to really understand what you have been writing as you foretold of what will happen with Gold. Whilst I took note I did not act and have had the best learning experience there […]

German Bond Auction a Disaster – Little Bid

Greek elections have dealt a serious blow to the confidence behind the Euro. The press has been touting the “official” position put out by Brussels to stay in their good graces. But this policy has resulted in serious misconceptions and misleading the institutions who buy bonds over the cliff much as Japan did to its […]

Understanding the Bond Bubble

The Swiss Peg cracked because of the flight of capital from Euroland. There is still a risk that the money flows more into treasuries going into the end of the summer. The more unstable Euroland APPEARS, the more capital will flee to the dollar. The higher the dollar, the more PROFIT on US debt for foreign investors.   […]

The Bond Bubble

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the amazing information you provide so freely. I have been trying to warn friends & family about the bond bubble that you have identified. It’s easy enough to explain why international capital flows are pushing the USD and bond market higher, but I am having trouble explaining WHY the […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]