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China Rationing Diesel

China has begun to ration fuel amid the ongoing energy crisis. As reported by the BBC, trucks in China may only fill their tanks with 100 liters (10% capacity) of diesel, with other areas reportedly only allowing 25 liters. The city of Fuyang is limiting purchases and charging drivers a surcharge of up to 300 […]

NIH Lies – Funded GoF from Bats in China

Apparently, you can never hide the truth forever. A top NIH official has finally admitted in a letter that they indeed funded “gain-of-function” (GoF) research in Wuhan, China. EcoHealth Alliance conducted the study, headed by the questionable Peter Daszak, who they now confirm “failed to report” that they had created a coronavirus from bats in […]

China Negotiating with Taliban

China is negotiating with the Taliban to take over the huge American Air Force base near Kabul. In fact, it is the largest American facility in all of Afghanistan. Biden left behind $83 billion worth of American technology. You just can’t make up this stuff. They can reverse engineer everything at this point. I’m sure […]

China v USA

The new report on the origins of COVID will point the finger at a lab leak in Wuhan. China is getting its back up and warning this will only lead to racism in the United States. I fully agree with China, but I ADVISE that they investigate further. There was most likely a lab leak, […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China

PRIVATE BLOG – Biden will Declare War to Force Great Reset on Russia & China Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – China Crack Down on Internet impacting NASDAQ

PRIVATE BLOG – China Crack Down on Internet impacting NASDAQ Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Biden Claims Military Said Greatest Threat is Global Warming not China or Russia?

  Who in his Administration wrote that speech? Perhaps they are on the payroll of Kerry and Klaus Schwab

The Decline & Fall of the USA & Rise of China

The obsession with climate change and the manipulated models they have put forth that only look at data post-1850 is interestingly fulfilling our model that China will become the financial capital of the world. The billionaires pushing this agenda and the hair-brain ideas behind the Great Reset undermine the Western economy and our very culture. […]

To Our Readers in China – Happy New Year

The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Ox was about to be the first to arrive, but Rat tricked Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they […]

PRIVATE BLOG – China Stockpiling Food

PRIVATE BLOG – China Stockpiling Food Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit