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Kondratieff Wave: Interesting But Different From the ECM

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am just getting started in studying cycles. Someone said you just bumped into the Kondratieff Wave. Your works seems entirely different. Did the K-Wave have any influence on you? Thanks ANSWER: Sadly, the Kondratieff wave, commonly known as the K-Wave, is used for things it was not based upon. Moreover, there were […]

ECM 2015.75: The Rock vs. Hard Place

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, with your 2015.75 turning point on the ECM, you said that was the peak in government and the following 4.3 years would turn down rather hard. You also said 2016 would be a strong rise in 3rd party activity and people are now talking even about Bernie running 3rd party. You said […]

War & the ECM

What is fascinating is that the Russian bombing in Syria began precisely on the day of the ECM. The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria. The authorization for Russia to target Daesh inside Iraq comes amid security coordination between Iraq, Russia, Iran, and Syria. Because of the exact day of these […]

The Dow Rally & the ECM

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been in the industry for more than 30 years. There is nobody who has called the shots better than you and your numbers are absolutely amazing. You said the ECM should make at least a temporary low in the Dow and that it did. It bottomed the day before which […]

How to Convert ECM Dates

  Note: Because this was over .5 of a day, we refer to this target as September 30/October 1.

Malaysia, Goldman Sachs, and the ECM Turning Point

Malaysia is becoming the poster-child for the crisis in emerging markets. The rising tensions between the people and government are clearly demonstrated by this story developing within the emerging markets. In Malaysia, we hear the central bank is recommending criminal prosecution in connection with the controversial investment fund 1MDB, the BBC reported. 1MDB was a sovereign wealth fund that was set up by Malaysian […]

Did World War III Start on the Precise Day of the ECM?

Russia began bombing CIA-trained rebels in Syria precisely on the day of the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. As CNN pointed out, the bombing continues. Now, hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to join a major ground offensive in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government. Clearly, the civil war in Syria is escalating. We will see […]

Real Estate and the ECM

The peak in real estate may have arrived. At the same time, this reflects the shift away from government bonds. Blackstone Group LP, the largest real estate fund to assemble, has come right on point. Blackstone raised $15.8 billion, creating the largest real estate fund in history. As we have warned, this reflects investment capital shifting into real […]

Palestinian Flag Raised at UN on ECM 9/30/2015

The number of significant events that have unfolded precisely on 9/30/2015 (2015.75) is shocking. At the United Nations, they raised the Palestinian flag for the first time. This is truly a monumental political sea change involving the Middle East. Why are these turning points so precise? This has been a deep mystery to me personally. […]

2015.75 ECM Turning Point in Poland

A reader sent in another event on the day of the ECM, which is again political and shows the problem in government. The sweeping elections in Poland were really about the bankers. They told people to borrow in Swiss francs for mortgages and did not tell them about Forex risk. They literally gutted the mortgage […]