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Europe’s COVID Lost Decade

Europe faces a Covid Lost Decade economically inspired by Kalus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. As purely academics who never walk among the great unwashed, their view of the peons below is one of just looking upon the masses as a herd of sheep. They have no comprehension of the social and cultural upheaval […]

Food Crisis of 2021 in Europe

We are staring in the face of a serious food crisis in Europe as food prices rise continuously, and with further draconian COVID measures within the EU, they are bringing the food supply chains to a standstill. Our models have been warned that this 8.6-year cyclical wave into 2024 will be one of commodity inflation […]

Is Europe Finished?

  COMMENT: Well Marty, I guess you ever holding another WEC here in London will never happen. I feel like I am in prison. GH REPLY: Europe is totally in the hands of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum which is pushing this new Global Marxist Takeover. I do not think I will ever […]

Eastern Europe New Political Block

  The Central European countries are forming a block uniting AGAINST the rise of Marxist/Communism emerging from Brussels. I have been in contact with reliable sources and I can still confirm that I do not see how Schwab and his associates will succeed. It is impossible for them to conquer the world with their leftist […]

Wind Farms Frozen in Texas & Europe Bezos Should be Better than Gates & Zuckerberg Put Together

  These environmentalists never understand that wind turbines will freeze and solar panels will be buried in snow. They seriously think that somehow renewable energy can replace fossil fuels. Even the electric buses in Germany froze. It is bad enough that they try to reduce the entire cyclical patterns in the weather to CO2 and […]

Amsterdam Has Retaken Financial Capital of Europe? Was this Cyclically on Time?

EURONEXT has now beaten out London retaking back the financial capital insofar as stock trading is concerned thanks to Boris Johnson and of course BREXIT. The numbers are in and Amsterdam surpassed London with an average of €9.2bn shares a day traded on Euronext in January 2021, which was been a 400% increase over December […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Europe Canceling Currency

PRIVATE BLOG – Europe Cancelling Currency Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Mario Draghi – The Destroyer of the Euro – He’s Back!

As always, politicians, once they taste power, just cannot stay away. Mario Draghi, the guy who has destroyed Europe with his negative interest rates since 2014 which failed, is now courting to become the Prime Minister of Italy. He was born September 3rd, 1947, and is now 74 years old. Enough is never enough. They […]

Was Napoleon the real Father of the European Union? Or Was it Julius Caesar?

Napoleon had actually summoned the best minds and talents from all over Europe into his service. His court was deliberately filled with able men from all over Europe: Dutch, German, Italian, and even Polish. These foreigners worked in the highest offices of his imperial civil service. It was actually Napoleon who created the first single […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Digital Euro & Corruption in Press

PRIVATE BLOG – The Digital Euro & Corruption in Press Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit