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Yellen Believes People are Better off Post-Pandemic

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proof that the establishment is completely clueless when it comes to the lives of the average citizen. “People are better off than they were pre-pandemic,” Yellen touted on national news last week. Perhaps she meant to say “politicians” rather than people, and no, one cannot point at rising US indexes […]

European Central Bank Prepares for Trump Victory

On the stage at Davos, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde took a long pause when asked about the 2024 US Presidential Election. The mere question made the room erupt in laughter. “It is for the American people to decide what they want with their politics, with their government with  their future,” she diplomatically replied, […]

Nobody will be Safe if they are Vaccinated

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which contain tiny fragments of the genetic material known as “messenger ribonucleic acid.” There have been deep concerns that this entire technology may have long-term implications for human society.  There was a Swedish study that tested whether the vaccine’s mRNA could be converted to DNA and found […]

Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections

  Klaus Schwab is, in my opinion, a very dangerous person. He thinks he is so smart that only he knows how the world should function – the typical academic self-grandization. Adding your 2-cents to a debate is one thing, but Klaus tries to control the debate. I have to hand it to him, he […]

Will Trudeau Resign?

Will Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, step down from his position? Seven in 10 Canadians think that Justin Trudeau should resign as the leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada in 2024, according to a survey by Ipsos. However, a majority of six in 10 Canadians do not believe he will actually […]

WHO Proposes Global Tax Increase on Unhealthy Beverages

Permitting health agencies to dictate what we can and cannot do is a slippery slope. These health agencies, such as the World Health Organization, work on behalf of their donors who support lobbying interests. For example, numerous health agencies began telling people to consume less meat after the plans for the Great Reset were formulated. […]

US Real Estate Prices Rose in September

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index reported a 3.9% year-over-year increase in home prices in September, despite a surge in mortgage rates. The growth coincided with the 30-year fixed mortgage rate’s climb toward 8%. Notably, rents are easing while home prices continue to rise. The report highlighted that of the 20 metropolitan markets, Detroit saw the […]

Former WEF Associate Speaks out on CBDC

Economist Professor Richard Werner previously partnered with the World Economic Forum’s Global Leader for Tomorrow program. He has since turned away from the organization and has been speaking out against the Great Reset. I do not agree with him on many topics but I do appreciate him speaking up on this topic. According to Werner, […]

Japan and Denmark Collaborate on Floating Wind Turbines

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to discuss offshore wind turbines. Denmark is a leader in wind turbine technology, while Japan has an advantage in shipbuilding technology. Japan has stated that it plans to increase its offshore wind power by 60% by 2030. Biden stated he wants to power […]

Poster Boy for COVID Vax Dies Suddenly

יונתן ארליכמן ז"ל בן 8 מת מדום לב ??? לא מזעזע אתכם ? היכן הכותרות ? החקירות? כמה ילדים עוד ימותו על מזבח הזהב? ובייחוד שיש כבר שני מחקרים מבוקרים המעידים כי חיסוני ה mRNA גורמים לבעיות לבביות. עד מתי תתחפרו ? כמה עוד תכחישו? תזכרו שבכל רגע נתון זה יכול לקרות לילדיכם… — […]