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Hillary Tells Supporters to Effectively Revolt Against Trump

Hillary Clinton in her first public speech since losing the election at the Washington gala for the Children’s Defense Fund,told people to fight against Trump and effectively has encouraged her supporters to revolt. She said: “I ask you to stay engaged. Stay engaged on every level. We need you. America needs you. Your energy, your […]

Will Obama Pardon Hillary?

President Ford granted former President Richard M. Nixon an unconditional pardon for all Federal crimes that he “committed or may have committed or taken part in” while in office. Ford said his pardon was intended to spare Mr. Nixon and the nation further punishment in the Watergate scandals. This establishes the precedent and answers the […]

Trump Ahead in Florida 59% to Hillary 30%

I am in Florida and I have to say I have NEVER seen one sign out there for Hillary nor anyone on the side of the road pitching for Hillary. This is clearly Trump territory. More than 50% of voters voted early. The turnout will most likely be a record. There is often a correlation […]

FBI Clears Hillary for Mishandling Classified Emails – AGAIN

FBI Director James Comey released an official statement saying that with respect to Hillary, “we have not changed the conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” There would be no new charges regarding “mishandling” of classified documents. The real story will be the Clinton Foundation. That is what could lead to TREASON. […]

What Happens if Hillary is Indicted? Will She Be Impeached?

QUESTION: Marty; You are very good at constitutional law. What is your take if Hillary is indicted? Will she be impeached? ANSWER: A President cannot be impeached for crimes prior to taking office. Only those committed during their office. If Congress called her back as President for an investigation and she lied under oath, that would […]

Is Hillary Comprised with ISIS?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the press is out in full force supporting Hillary and trashing Comey and the FBI. You said before anyone, that your sources said there was more than the FBI and that intelligence was involved. Can you elaborate on that at all? PG ANSWER: I do not really like to reveal too much. […]

Warren & Fink – Hillary’s Choices?

The rumor running around Washington is that Hillary will betray Wall Street and hand over the reigns of power to Elizabeth Warren, who has been supporting Hillary. Of course, the position of Secretary of the Treasury will go to Larry Fink of BlackRock. Talk about polar opposites. Of course, unleashing Elizabeth Warren on Wall Street will […]

Did Wikileaks Just Release the Real Final Nail in Hillary’s Coffin?

In today’s Wikileaks release of Podesta emails are legally the final nail in Hillary’s coffin and this is clearly something ANYBODY else would be criminally prosecuted. An email on March 2, 2015 shows an exchange between John Podesta and Clinton lawyer/aide Cheryl Mills saying bluntly: “On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are […]

Audio Released of Hillary Supporting a Predetermined Election

An audio tape has surfaced of Hillary saying the U.S. should have rigged a Palestinian election to “determine who was going to win.” Just amazing.

Rudy Giuliani Explains Comey Told Congress Hillary did Commit a Crime This is really not political. The statue involved only requires negligence, not intent. Comey before Congress told them (1) Hillary was grossly negligent and (2) she outright lied. I “believe” Comey’s hands were tied and he was not allowed to “recommend” an indictment of Hillary. So he told Congress using the very careful words […]