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Gold & The Global Market Watch

QUESTION: Marty; I find the Global Market Watch really amazing. The talk of India banning gold imports could lead to a crash you have warned about under $1,000. The weekly level in gold came up and said about to crash and even caught the high the week of 07 November. The monthly also caught the […]

US Budget Deficit Increases – The Crash & Burn Begins

The US government says it ran a $US587 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year, which was a 34% increase over last year. Deficits have simply become a standard way of life for Western governments as a whole. They see no problem with borrow more each year when they have absolutely no intention of ever paying […]

Will World War III be Nuclear?

QUESTION: Marty, do you think nuclear weapons will be used this time? PDH ANSWER:  History is a road map to the future because human nature remains the same. People are far too often foolish. They attribute guns as the cause of violence as if humankind was peaceful before the invention of the gun. At an ancient […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

Knee Jerk v Spike v Temp v Reaction Events

QUESTION: All energy says spike low on monthly global market watch. Now we had a correction from 52 to $39 so that qualifies but we also had a rally from 39 to 47 so does it still qualify? If Socrates uses the last data point 47 it would not be a spike low  but if it accesses […]

The New Highs in US Share Market Are they the Prelude to a Crash?

Finally, the Dow made new highs in the face of constant calls for a crash. This past week, in a horse race we would call it a trifecta where the Dow Jones Industrials,  S&P 500,and  the NASDAQ all made new record highs.  This sent a bunch of analysts to look again and began to proclaim […]

Gold & Monetary Reform

QUESTION: Marty; The Global Market Watch on gold has been really something on the investor level. Can’t wait for the trader level. I believe your staff said that will have the daily and weekly levels also. I find it fascinating how the computer called the low in gold and then said turning back up and […]

Dow – Down & Dirty?

The Dow has been bouncing off the Reversals as well. Despite being above 17800, it would fail to close above that. The question becomes WHEN will the Dow breakout to test new highs with the next target zone in the 21,000 to 23,000 area? With the closing on Friday below the first Minor Weekly Bearish […]

Are The Markets Creating a Huge False Move For the Next 2 Years?

We will do a brief video update tomorrow on the general state of the markets given we have elected Monthly Bullish Reversals in several currencies. While we have been looking for the euro to reach 116, we have now clearly extended the sideways rally given that the major low for last year took place in […]

Are the Metals & Dow Aligning?

QUESTION: All three are moving together since mid-January. Does that mean all three are already aligned and a lift is now possible? Or do we go to retest the January lows first? ANSWER: This is the preparation for the coming Slingshot Move. Everything is pushing it to the limit. We are carrying the weight of the world around […]